Longest Big Game Kill With Rifle

In the last 12 months, what was your longest rifle kill on big game?

  • 0 to 200 yards

    Votes: 1,160 26.4%
  • 201 to 400 yards

    Votes: 1,438 32.7%
  • 401 to 600 yards

    Votes: 1,021 23.2%
  • 601 to 800 yards

    Votes: 460 10.5%
  • 801 to 1,000 yards

    Votes: 168 3.8%
  • Over 1,000 yards

    Votes: 153 3.5%

  • Total voters
Big game, last 12 months? 80 yards .338 federal. I hunted some thick gnarly timber a couple of times last year. For the area that was a long shot.

Anytime I got out to some of my long range areas nothing, wanted to come out and play. It's all good though I'll take big game however I can get them.

I would like to stretch the legs on my .300 RUM this year though.
Longest big game kill in the last 12 months was a white tail 6 point buck last Oct, thought he was a 8 point but he had no brow tines I later found out. I had to shoot quick. I was walking to my hunting stand in the evening. I just entered the log road that I was going to hunt that had two huge cut overs on either side. Out pops the buck and two doe. I knew that they were right at 300 yards because they were right at the bend of the road where my stand was. I dropped down in the prone position and cranked the Zeiss 3-12X56 up to 12. I sent a 117 gr Sierra pro hunter pushed by 49 grs IMR 4350 lit by a CCI 250 primer in a Remington case going 3050 fps down the 26" SS #6 Shilen barrel of my 700 Remington action H&S Precision stocked 25-06 Remington caliber rifle in about half the time it took me to type this. I was rewarded with a POP as the 117 Sierra pro hunter landed in the center of the bucks front shoulder and he dropped like a rock. Later lazed at 307 yards.
1,536 yards across the ridges in W.V. National Forest.Ranged with a Swarovski Laser and shot with a improved .338 Lapua.Rifle was a Stiller Tac 338 action (single shot),Broughton 1/9.3 twist barrel,McMillan A-5 Stock,Nightforce 5x22.5 NXS Scope ect. that i built.
Update for me:
1,037 yards on a antelope buck. 17" 1-9 twist Lilja Center-Grip Remington XP-100 in 7mm-270WSM. Built by Kirby Allen and owned by Dan Bower. FFP NXS 3.5-15 NightForce. Shooting prone with a Harris Bi-pod (Swivel version). 162 A-Max.
Threw together an old Savage J action($250 with stock & mounts) with a 708 barrel ($35 well used takeoff) I had laying around here, put a 3-9 Sightron mildot($100 used) scope on it for an economical walk-about gun. Ended up with IMR3031/120BT for a load and checkt drop charts against the mildot in the field to find they where very close but made notes of the difference. The plan was really not for a long range shot but was glad I had the info to get-r-done as it workt out to be 673 yards. Have shot prairie dogs dang near twice this far but this is the longest big game shot to date.
2 years ago I used a 300 Weatherby dialed to 1000 and got a shot at 135 yards.....All we can do is be prepaired or be patient=I aint patientgun)
585 yards with my ruger 300 win mag 180 gr accubond over 75.5grs of rl22,on a 6ft timber wolf. A touch over 400 meters, 300 ultra mag 180gr tsx over 88grs rl 25 on a yukon bc moose gun)
716 yards on a whitetail buck across a corn field . . . with a slight (6-8 mph) wind from 2 o'clock. 7mm Wby. with a good ole 139gr. Hornady BTSP. Some of these other posts are unbelievable. Makes me glad I'm not in their sights!
375 yards here. I'm looking for a bullet/powder combo for my 7mm R mag at this time to get into shooting in the 400-500 yard range. Two schools of thought, one is that a bonded bullet will have expansion issues at extended ranges from a 7mag, the other is regular bullets will blow up too soon a closer range, not penetrating enough? Difficult decision without more info...
In the past 12 months.......
Heart shot doe antelope. Near home in Wyoming.
408 yds....one shot.
Rem BDL 25-06 with Barnes 100gr. TSX Factory Load. 12X Leupold scope.

Have taken a couple other antlelope and a couple deer at 400 to 500 yds in the past. All with 25-06 caliber rifles.
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