Longest Big Game Kill With Rifle

In the last 12 months, what was your longest rifle kill on big game?

  • 0 to 200 yards

    Votes: 1,160 26.4%
  • 201 to 400 yards

    Votes: 1,438 32.7%
  • 401 to 600 yards

    Votes: 1,021 23.2%
  • 601 to 800 yards

    Votes: 460 10.5%
  • 801 to 1,000 yards

    Votes: 168 3.8%
  • Over 1,000 yards

    Votes: 153 3.5%

  • Total voters
Namibia: Everything was shot with one shot except the gemsbok. that ol boot took two! custom 7mm rem mag shooting 168 bergers at 3175 fps

Baboon- 1456 yards one shot
Guinea Hen-1202
Red hardebeast-416
Greater kudu-414
Spring buck-391 and 404
warthog- 40 :)
blue wildebeast-293
443 yds with .300 rum. load info was 93 gr. of RL22 and a 165 gr. nosler accu-bond@3446 fps. Instant dirt dive, and no trailing. Used federal 215 gold medal primers with bullet seated to max box length. this load shoots 1/4 groups frequently, and seldom breaks a 1/2. This was a 140 lb whitetail doe that was facing me and would not turn sideways. The bullet landed dead center of her chest.
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423 yards on a beautiful 77" Antelope Buck. Remington Model 700 LV 22-250 55 Grain Speer Game King. Bushnell Elite 4200 4-16 Scope.
514 Yards on a piebald Mule Deer Doe. Weatherby 30-378. 180 Grain Barnes TSX loaded over 108 grains of RL 25 moving about 3450 FPS. Knocked her over backwards. I honestly don't think she ever knew what hit her.
892 yds, cow elk, 300 RUM LSS, 26" barrel, 208grn A MAX, 91.2 grns H1000, Niteforce NXC NPR1 3.5-15 scopeDwightgun)
im in the 200-400 bracket, going to texas in exactly 14days, hopefully will move up a bracket, or two :D'

wont cast my vote till after the hunt.
Cow elk, 630 yards, down hill, 15 mile/hr cross wind, 25" holdover, 7mm RM, 26" barrel,139 Hornady SP, 3400 FPS, 71 grains H4831 (compressed load) no pressure problems, Blew out the spine, one shot to drop, then one to the head at 2 yards
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4X4 elk at 586 yards ranged with bushnell laser range finder. Taken with a 264 Win Mag in Rem 700 BDL using a handloaded 140 remington Core Lokt. H4831 SC pushing the bullet at 3060fps. 2 shots on him while he was quartering away entered the left flank and found under the skin behind the off side shoulder. He stood still for about 5-10 seconds then fell. 2nd shot was probably not needed but he was about 150 yards from crossing a fence and was a insurance follow up. Prior to that it was 486 yards on a 5X5 bull elk and then 374 yards on a 5X6. Will have to start another log book because mine was stolen out of my truck along with my 1851 navy cap and ball revolver when I walked back in the house to grab another hand full of bags this christmas while visiting family. Still sick over it.
Antelope @ 552yds, Rem700P 300WM, 208Amax/71.5Re22/215M, Leu MK4 6.5x20 M1 TMR in Lingle WY. Hit right behind shoulder and it went straight down. I know Hornady doesn't recommend these for hunting, but I have had excellent results thus far. Also shot a large mulie doe on this hunt(at about 75yds), and she went about 50 yards before piling up. Took an eight point back home in Wisconsin in November at about 100 yards, and he made it about 75 yards. Both deer were also broadside heart/lung shots. Hopefully I will have more to add to the list after the next trip out to Lingle this fall. Jim See @ Center Shot is about 40min to my south and is building a 260 for me (R700/Brux MedPalma/HS stock) and I can't wait to get it in my hands.gun)
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