Longest Big Game Kill With Rifle

In the last 12 months, what was your longest rifle kill on big game?

  • 0 to 200 yards

    Votes: 1,160 26.4%
  • 201 to 400 yards

    Votes: 1,438 32.7%
  • 401 to 600 yards

    Votes: 1,021 23.2%
  • 601 to 800 yards

    Votes: 460 10.5%
  • 801 to 1,000 yards

    Votes: 168 3.8%
  • Over 1,000 yards

    Votes: 153 3.5%

  • Total voters
826 yard antelope doe, 625 antelope doe, 985 yard mule deer and many other kills over 500 yards in the past few years, custom 7mm rem mag, 140 nosler ballistic tip, 67.5 gr RL-22, Leupold long range 6.5 X 20, Mcmillan stock, rem action, Leica rangefinder, Kestrel 3500, harris bipod and rear bag
About 80 yards on my first black tail buck ever. I started hunting at 19 and didn't fill a tag until last year at 22. Second buck I saw that season and I was out for 30 days, I was unemployed so I had time to be ridiculously persistent. It payed off. I didn't feel comfortable taking a shot at a really good 4x4 buck through the brush with my rifle and cartridge(22-250), but bagged a heavy forked horn that afternoon. Not as skilled as most here but I'm a new hunter(addicted) and I move out range wise every time with the paper.
344 yds. Pronghorn. Remington 700 SS Mtn rifle, .270 win, 130gr Sierra BTSP Federal factory load. Leupold vari X III, 2.5-8X.
1,365 yds 300 wm sendero built by CSR'jim seed'northern michigan white tail gross was 132 3/4 8point 210gn bergers will post pics if i can find out how to LOl
14mo ago (sorry I lied on the poll) 250 yds, for my antelope, with the old No. 1 in .300 Win Mag. First Ant. back in '05 was .306 yds.

Finally. Figured, the further away you shoot them, the further to get it back to the truck. Don't think I'll be planning to shoot them any farther out than 300 or so, for that reason. Even at 250, they know your there, but not excited about it yet.
Nov/2010. Mule deer doe 704 yds, rifle by Nathan at SSG. 7mm Rem mag, 168 berger.
Heart river, North Dakota. Also connected on a coyote at 747 the same day.
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1969, Whitetail. 1175 yards. 1903 A3 Springfield Armory with iron sights.
My father who had just retired as coach as U.S. Navy Rifle Pistol Team coach had been given this match rifle for retirement and coached me on the shot from the top of a windmill..kids do amazing things when they don't understand the impossiblity of things.
I always try to use that thought when teaching new shooters.
They can and will amaze you. Very gratifying.
Longest shot on game so far is 543 yds on Spike Bull Elk. I just returned from my Montana trip where I shot a 25" Muley at 123 yds and a 4 pt. Bull Elk at 75 yds. The long shots are hard to come by and I end up doing it the old fashioned way.
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