Do you hunt big game with a bow?

Do you hunt big game with a bow?

  • YES

    Votes: 669 60.9%
  • NO

    Votes: 429 39.1%

  • Total voters
That's how most of us old archers learned how to shoot the bow. Back in those
days there were no compound bows. Do you build your own bows ?
Do you make your broad heads and bow strings? I have an archery friend who
chips obsidian to make his broad heads. Do you make your elk calls? I made
a cow call from a couple of Popsicle sticks and a rubber band. Worked quite well.

There are a couple of manufacturers still building bare wooden arrow shafts.

At eighty one years old, I just don't have the strength to pull and hold at full
draw, a 70 pound bow long bow. So I will hunt with my Browning Two cam
compound, with 80% let off, again this season.

Remember to practice, practice and practice.
I hunt elk with traditional bow alot of the challenge went away when the compounds started getting faster and faster, am only 31 years old but started bow hunting at age 11i made the switch around 17 to traditional. I have used my compound off and on over the years (am not a purest ) I like getting up close with the animal honing my skills . Stalking my prey. , laying down that perfect bugle and hearing that big boy scream back and when I do set my eyes on him work up a strategy to get in recurve range. Out of all the animals I have taken I have never got the satisfaction as I do hunting elk with a recurve
I can understand your enthusiasm and wish you well.

At 31 years of age I was just getting into serious competitive archery on the
State and national level, shooting a recurve bow. My physical condition was
such, I gave little or no thought to shooting hours of practice. Some where around the age of 35, I started having a small pain in my right shoulder and it got worse.
Bursitis had set in and I was through shooting and holding the weight of the
recurve bow.

About five years later, I had the opportunity to shoot a compound
bow with 50% let off. Wow, I could again participate in the sport I love so dearly.
Now at 81, I am still shooting my compound bow and physically fit enough to
shoot an occasional tournament, as well as go big game hunting.

My long bow and 5 recurves are now wall hangers and dust collectors.
I do make my own arrow's and as for call I make my own bugle tubes. I have 2 long bows I made.I hunt with a Martin recurve the arrows I use for elk are Easton legacy. The rules in Washington state wont let you hunt with home made broadheads
I have not hunted with a bow. As a physically challenged hunter I have thought about a cross bow but then again there are restrictions in Washington State with cross bows. So for know its a riffle.
I have not hunted with a bow. As a physically challenged hunter I have thought about a cross bow but then again there are restrictions in Washington State with cross bows. So for know its a riffle.

shoot in sheridan wyo. one of our local shooters sam has a dead arm and uses his teeth to shoot his bow. he shoots very well! don't know your situation and maybe something is out their to try out archery. any questions drop a message. shoot competitive at national level and local shoots. indoor spot and bowhunter!

It might help if you could enlist the help of some of the Crossbow manufacturers
lobbyists. To lobby the Washington State Dept of Fish and Game.

For many years their main theme has been that the Crossbow is nothing more
than a poachers tool. Roll down the window and shoot.

Poachers are going to poach regardless of the laws on the books. Law breakers
are all alike, they have no respect for the laws.

We have the same problem in Oregon. Can't use Crossbows, but poaching is
still rampant.

I know of at least a dozen old timers who would still be archery hunting if
they could use a crossbow.
Hello Fred,

I'm set to go Spring bear and turkey hunting, with rifle for bear and
a bow for turkey. Then It's Antelope with rifle and Bull elk with the bow.
Just whitetails for 10 years . Had to stop because of age and bad back !@richone:)

Richone, sorry to hear that. Age you can't do much about except live with it.
A bad back is another story, sometimes you can have it fixed. the operable
word is sometimes.

If you haven't already done so you might switch over to a long distance rifle.

Good Luck.
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