Do you hunt big game with a bow?

Do you hunt big game with a bow?

  • YES

    Votes: 669 60.9%
  • NO

    Votes: 429 39.1%

  • Total voters
LOVE to hunt elk with a bow. In our state, only bow hunting is allowed during the rut. There is no more magical sound in nature than the sound of a bugling bull. Especially when he is busting timber as he comes in to your call. :)
Sure do!!--i love getting out there and sleeping under the stars on a mountain top-quite a bonus to hear an elk bugle during the night and feel my release finger start to quiver.
The Elk seasons are pretty much history for this year in Oregon.
The new Hunting synopsis for 2013 is in the sporting goods store
racks. Time to start getting acquainted with the new rules and planning
next years hunts. It seems as this is a major project for fish and game every
year. They keep adding pages and pages of new restrictions on where when
and how you can hunt. Doesn't matter whether it's firearms or Bent stick and
strings. (BOW) I just wish the hunting would get better as a result of all
restrictive effort put forth.

Bears, Coyotes, Cougars, Wolves and poachers are in need of control.
I just wish the hunting would get better as a result of all
restrictive effort put forth.

Bears, Coyotes, Cougars, Wolves and poachers are in need of control.

As another Oregon hunter, I know where you're coming from. I just got my 2013 SW spring bear tag and I'm gonna try and help out on the bear control a little. :D
My son and i both wolf tags-we have until 2/28/13 to fill them-that should help the elk and deer breathe a little easier

Good. That will help a little. Are you hunting them with a bow? If you are
be sure to pack some back-up. A pack can be pretty nasty.

Two wolves a male and female = one or more litters per year of 4 to 6 pups.
Lets say 3 of those pups are females = 3x4=12 plus another 4 to 6 from
the original pair = a total of 16. This is being quite conservative.

I think we are in for some dark days ahead, if the wolf is not delisted and hunted
like coyotes are now. I don't think we are keeping them in check all that well.

Unlike bears and cougars one litter per year of one or two.
If i have the oppurtunity during bow season i will try to get them with my bow, but now i want the advantage of the "longer ranges"-sure would be a nice trophy with a bow though!!!
Yes... Been bowhunting for 20+ years. I use a traditional recurve in September to chase elk, then switch to the 338 Lapua in late October for rifle season. Kinda the extreme on both ends. Just love to hunt and shoot.

I have been a dedicated bow hunter for the past 40 + years. Hunting with recurves
and compounds. I figure Iv'e paid my dues in full to bowhunting.

The challenge is still there, but the body doesn't function as well now as in the
past. When I pasted eighty years, I started slowing down. So to keep the spark
alive, I switched to a half and half program. I hunt early in the fall an Archery
hunt for bear and deer, Later in the fall I switch to the 7mm for Elk and bear.
bowhunt every year. bowtech 82nd airborne and now a insanity cpxl on the way. the 82nd is faster. 60lb 82nd 420g arrow about 280fps at 28.5" dl. just perfect for a broad head. My 70lb 82nd will shoot a 370g arrow at 333fps 29' dl. really love the archery hunting.gun) time to play long range rifle also!
Well I am sitting here going through the Oregon hunting synopsis trying to figure which of myriad of rules governing where, how, when and with what do I hunt.

When I only hunted with a bow it was easy. Just choose the bow hunts in the areas you like. But since I added a half dozen or more firearms to the mix, things
have gotten more difficult.

You have a choice of several weapons to choose from, but you can only
choose one for each animal tag. ie, Deer, Elk, and Antelope with a Bow or a firearm. So I have to choose for Deer to bow hunt or rifle hunt, the same for
Elk and Antelope, with all the choices, I am surprised that some one hasn't
come up with a computer program to help with the choice.

I will hunt one of the species with the bow and the other with the rifle.
Prairie goats definitely rifle, if I can draw a tag.
I hunt traditional bow and Easton legacy arrows for elk made the switch from compound 12 years ago.. hunting traditional is the most rewarding your calling has to spot on to get the animal in range and the best part is no range finder and no sights and I shoot off the shelf
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