Do you hunt big game with a bow?

Do you hunt big game with a bow?

  • YES

    Votes: 669 60.9%
  • NO

    Votes: 429 39.1%

  • Total voters
You bet, up close and personal. Since I was 12, started with a Bear recurve.
Have a PSE Firestorm for meat and a BlackWidow recurve for pure challange.
Yep, whitetails. Wish there were more big game critters around here, as I'd like to put an arrow in something else other than deer. There are feral hogs in the southern part of the state that require no special permits...just shoot 'em. However, that's 3 1/2 hours from here. :rolleyes:

This year will be the first year in the last fifteen that I am splitting the hunting
season with the rifle. I bought a LDH the first of the year, I hope to have it ready to go for Elk this fall.

The Bow stays ready and I pound the cedar bales out back, every week
for a couple of hours.
Almost exclusively with Bow. Just now looking at Long Range Hunting with a gun..
Hunt whitetail, pigs, small game with bow. Hope to go Elk hunting this year for first time with Bow.:D
First time Bow Elk hunters, unless you are going on a guided hunt, It would be
to your benefit to scout the hunting area first and see if you have Elk to hunt.
In the west, with the on rush of the wolf westward, the Elk herds have been pushed to other areas. Many herds have been broken up into smaller groups
making them harder to find. Last year they were not responding to calls until
later in the season.

The above is why we are switching to Long Distance Shooters for this
coming Elk season. Even so, I plan on doing 2 or 3 scouting trips to be
sure of at least a quick look.

Deer season will find us with bow in hand.

A word on Feral hogs, be sure to get the Private property owners permission to hunt and thank him after your hunt.

A hand held bow is a bow,is a bow, is a bow. Bows don't shoot themselves,
you need practice , practice, practice.

keep them in the middle and good luck
Love to bowhunt. Ive been fortunate to take Brown bear, Moose, Elk, White tail, Mule deer and blacktail deer. All were do it myself hunts. My bowhunting is slowing down now because of bone spurs in my shoulders.

Time to dust off the rifles.

i hunt every year in my home state of Montana. I have only harvested one elk-with my bow, but i enjoy getting out there and climbing to the top of some tall mountains. I'm 64 years old and still enjoy the hiking.
Love to bowhunt. Ive been fortunate to take Brown bear, Moose, Elk, White tail, Mule deer and blacktail deer. All were do it myself hunts. My bowhunting is slowing down now because of bone spurs in my shoulders.

Time to dust off the rifles.


Congratulations You have done well with the bow. Those achievements no one can take away from you. I have always done do it yourself hunts. I was one of the fortunate ones to posses an unerring sense of direction. I do
take along a gps and a compass just in case. They are in the bottom
of the pack. I read terrain coming and going and I hardly ever hunt flat ground.

Some of these new rifles are really great.
i hunt every year in my home state of Montana. I have only harvested one elk-with my bow, but i enjoy getting out there and climbing to the top of some tall mountains. I'm 64 years old and still enjoy the hiking.

You sure do have the tall mountains. what is your average elevation on
your hunts? Some hunters never harvest an elk. That doesn't keep them from the chase. Each one harvested is a treasure.

64 years young. Just remember to catch your breath occasionally, while looking at the pretty scenery. Wow that's 16 years back, can hardly remember
that far. I quit looking at birthdays a long time ago, all my buddys kept dropping dead. So I thought who needs this? Went out and bought a new rifle.
The mountains range about 6500 feet and I have been up around 7500 feet. Hold on, I have to take a breath!! But I love to get up there. We start about 3100 feet.Last year I went by myself to about 7,000 feet (not smart) and my right foot slid under a blow down and I heard a huge "crack"-Thought I broke my ankle-did not but sprained it very badly. I was still near the top-took me an extra 4 hours to get down.Nice view though.
My home is 4018 ft, That's why they call it the high desert. Mostly Juniper
and sagebrush. I usually hunt at 6000 to 7500. I have to re-sight in my
hunting bow every year at hunting camp. I finally bought another bow for 3D
competitions on the I-5 corridor 2 to 300 ft.

How many times have you been told "NOT to HUNT ALONE?" I heard it enough
that I mostly hunt from a Tree Stand. Yes, it has it's dangers also. I try to
mitigate those with a climbing stand, safety harness and staying put.
I set up Three or four trees ahead of season so I get a change of scenery.

Good luck and be careful.
I started using a bow again in 1992 after my wife at the time called me a murdering bas...d and I didn't give the poor critters a chance. Shot a nice bull elk at 30 ft. that year laying in his bed, and a big blacktail buck a few weeks later at 12 ft in his bed..told her the weapon didn't matter, I was a murdering bas...d! :D So far 43 elk...23 with rifle, 20 with bow so I must be doing something right.
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