Do you hunt big game with a bow?

Do you hunt big game with a bow?

  • YES

    Votes: 669 60.9%
  • NO

    Votes: 429 39.1%

  • Total voters
Yes.....I've hunted a longbow/recurve for the past 20+ years......just recently getting into long range shooting. My thoughts were, anybody can shoot a deer from 100 or 150's takes a different skill set to get within 20. Well....I put some thought into it and decided it also takes a different skill set to shoot @ 400 + I'm developing that one at the moment.
anybody can shoot a deer from 100 or 150 yards.

I don't know about the anyone part of being able to shoot deer at 100-150 yards...I know I can't:) and I don't think alot of folks can either although there are some folks here on LRH that probably can. Hopefully some with far more knowledge than I on the subject will comment.
I love both ends of the hunting spectrum, close range with a bow and long range rifle. Two very different skill sets but both very deadly and equally valid.

I mostly hunt elk during the rut with my bow. Having said that I have been busy chasing mulie's during the rut the last few years which has been a total blast. I believe this years bull was #12 with a bow. Only shot a couple with my rifle and that was when I was a youngster.

Antelope, deer, bear, and varmints are my mainstay for the LR stuff!

I love archery hunting for bears and elk in the rut if you get them while there screaming. I dont get much out of it when you get the silent treatment from elk. I get enough of that when im in trouble at home
I used to chase elk on Mt. Saint Helens with my High Country. Now me and my High Country sit in a ground blind. I'm getting older AND smarter! Four down and ??? to go...
Love that bow hunting thing. Nothing like getting up close and personal. Started archery at age 12, been doing it ever since. Watching a whitetail come in from 100 yards out, making his way to you ever so slowly or quickly gets the adrenalin pumping. Then you to execute everything else just right. Any wrong move at 20-30yrds and the games over.
Been after elk twice now, still looking to score on one of them with the bow
Nope. Hung the bow up in the shed about 15 years ago. I used to hunt with a bow exclusivly. Started getting into long range rifle shooting and have become totally absorbed into it. I look at the new bows and gear nowdays and toy with the idea of starting again but everytime I pickup a bow and hold it and I put it back and reserve myself to the long range rifle as I still have SO much to learn still before I can divert my time, money and energy into another disapline.
80% of my hunting is done with a bow. Recurve, compund, and this year crossbow. I usually hunt up to 5 states a year. I kill 10 + deer, keep a few for myself and donate the rest to food banks or the American Legion. I love states that sell doe tags at $15 - $ 20 a pop.

My long range rifles are neglected.
Stick and string... Charcoal Burner... or long range smoke pole, if there is a season, I don't disscriminate.:D
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