Your Longest Archery Big Game Kill

Longest Big Game Kill With Bow

  • Under 20 yards

    Votes: 104 7.3%
  • 21 to 40 yards

    Votes: 510 35.7%
  • 41 to 60 yards

    Votes: 453 31.7%
  • 61 to 80 yards

    Votes: 189 13.2%
  • 81 to 100 yards

    Votes: 64 4.5%
  • Over 100 yards

    Votes: 110 7.7%

  • Total voters
........ The shot was a ranged 103 yards (my brother ranged it) and it was slightly quartered away and hit mid body perfect height and got liver and part of 1 lung. Buck ran 300 yards or so and went down.
................................ I have also killed 4 elk and I bet if I averaged all my kills my average is probably over 55 yards.


Congrats on the big'un, and 4 ELK also.
This looks like evidence to me. Remember the famous words of ole Dirty Harry...
A man's GOT to know his limitations!

I would say that you know your's well. Congrats again.:cool:
I think with todays speed bows...60 yard shots are possible HOWEVER....I personally wont take anything farther than 40, maybe even 30 haha. Bows are really starting to get a bad name all over the internet for big game hunting due to wounded animals not being recovered. Too many people arent tracking their animals well enough after a shot and many others taking shots they shouldnt be. I think...unless you really are a skillful archer than 30-40 yards really should be max.
I think with todays speed bows...60 yard shots are possible HOWEVER....I personally wont take anything farther than 40, maybe even 30 haha. Bows are really starting to get a bad name all over the internet for big game hunting due to wounded animals not being recovered. Too many people arent tracking their animals well enough after a shot and many others taking shots they shouldnt be. I think...unless you really are a skillful archer than 30-40 yards really should be max.

The same can be said for rifle and muzzy also. Every year I see rifle guys take REALLY long shots at deer and never go look for blood.( shooting my 300win mag and it didnt drop so I guess I missed).
Archery just leaves behind more evidence that a bullet does not

You are both right.

But, what you are talking about is JUDGEMENT.

Regardless of the weapon you use, the obligation is, to know what your
capabilities are with that weapon.
@ Varmint Hunter posts #3 & 6. If you spent as much time in archery as others have, perhaps you could be successful. Don't limit others by what you can't do. If you would like to see some disgusting displays of shooting (they say hunting), go watch Gunwerks on youtube and build an opinion based on that.
340" bull @ 80 yds unit 7W AZ. I'd been practicing @ 100 all summer and the bull was raking a tree at the time of the shot, so I was pretty confident he wasn't going to jump the string and move. Full pass thru and I never did find the arrow (looked for over 1 hr) with a 125 gr VPA 3 blade at the end of a 32" Easton FMJ going 275 fps out of my old Hoyt.
63 yards on a white-tailed doe. That was when I first started bowhunting, however, now on a white-tail I wouldn't shoot past 50. There is just to may things that can happen out of my control past that.
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