Do You Shoot Archery Competition?

Do You Shoot Archery Competition?

  • YES

    Votes: 168 22.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 592 77.9%

  • Total voters
i was lucky enough to have an archery shop with in walking distance from my house when i was a kid..they all so took me along to local shoots all most ever sunday... i still shoot but not like i use to., i miss it and is one of the things id like to get back into when my kid is old enough
i was lucky enough to have an archery shop with in walking distance from my house when i was a kid..they all so took me along to local shoots all most ever sunday... i still shoot but not like i use to., i miss it and is one of the things id like to get back into when my kid is old enough

Great the best place to get back into the sport of archery is wirh a youngster
at hand, I started my Grandson when he was 6 years old. Together we learned that Perseverance, practice and dedication is the secret to good scores.
I shot competition from probably about ten years old until I was fifteen. Need to get back into it.
Great the best place to get back into the sport of archery is wirh a youngster
at hand, I started my Grandson when he was 6 years old. Together we learned that Perseverance, practice and dedication is the secret to good scores.

And it makes for a good excuse to get away from mumma.. ;)
I've been flinging arrows at 3D competitions like it's some sort of cult. :D Hate to miss one and altered my 2nd wedding date, due to a state 3D competition. You'd think I'd burn out after a few years, but I've been into archery for a little over 7 years...30 years over 7 years. :cool:

i was lucky enough to have an archery shop with in walking distance from my house when i was a kid..they all so took me along to local shoots all most ever sunday... i still shoot but not like i use to., i miss it and is one of the things id like to get back into when my kid is old enough

Secret to being a World Champion!

Sometimes all you have to do is SHOW UP, and shoot.

Look at the record books, You are top Dog only till the next World Championship meet.

Take the boy with you, he will be old enough before you know it.
Ive shot about all the tournaments. (Nationals indoor, Field archery and 3d)
Won state games one year and took second the first year I shot.
Takes alot of money and talk about depreciation of a bow is about 50% after a year.
Congratulations on your shooting.

Participating in these events is a thrill, never to be forgotten.
You won't win every competition you enter, but you do build

Win a major Competition and the cost of the Bows will diminish
some what. Yes, competition bows are spendy any where from
$800.00 to $1200.00 and your lucky to sell it for half. Few
archers shoot competition archery. Why? Too much work and
you have to be really dedicated to perfection.

Practice Practice and Practice.
Congratulations on your shooting.

Participating in these events is a thrill, never to be forgotten.
You won't win every competition you enter, but you do build

Win a major Competition and the cost of the Bows will diminish
some what. Yes, competition bows are spendy any where from
$800.00 to $1200.00 and your lucky to sell it for half. Few
archers shoot competition archery. Why? Too much work and
you have to be really dedicated to perfection.

Practice Practice and Practice.

you are spot on! shoot competition as we speak. Shoot freestyle class indoor vegas/5spot in wyoming. Just shot last weekend state NFAA and shot 2nd place in vegas. I'm usually in the top 3 depending on my practice habits. I have won and my practice and drive was on serious this year, 2010. work is killing my archery!
Love archery. My first question to fellow archers is what is your definition of accurate. killing a deer isn't really accurate to me. killing a prairie dog at 100yrd with bow is accurate in the heart. still workin on this shot as we speak. Gillette wyo rocky mtn some serious shooters in that group. superior archery badazz shooter also. perfectionist of form is the secret. still workin on this. last weekend shot state vegas indoor, took 2nd. and wasn't happy with shooting. Nerves was a issue on the line. Have won this shoot before and my nerves was a issue then also. now i have a 7mm ultramag to play with and gonna see what happens. the evolution in long range has begun.gun)
Love archery. My first question to fellow archers is what is your definition of accurate. killing a deer isn't really accurate to me. killing a prairie dog at 100yrd with bow is accurate in the heart. still workin on this shot as we speak. Gillette wyo rocky mtn some serious shooters in that group. superior archery badazz shooter also. perfectionist of form is the secret. still workin on this. last weekend shot state vegas indoor, took 2nd. and wasn't happy with shooting. Nerves was a issue on the line. Have won this shoot before and my nerves was a issue then also. now i have a 7mm ultramag to play with and gonna see what happens. the evolution in long range has begun.gun)

Accuracy: Shooting a Vegas round with 60 x's, every time is an example.
Shooting 6 arrows at 90 meters with 6 x's is an example.

There are few archers who have this capability.

You can meet them at the Vegas Shoot, NFAA Nationals, indoors and field,
NAA Nationals Indoors and Field and The World Archery Federation Championships.

The Shooting sports all have the following in common; Absolute Dedication to the
sport and Practice, Practice and more Practice.

The 7mm Mag is fun.
Accuracy: Shooting a Vegas round with 60 x's, every time is an example.
Shooting 6 arrows at 90 meters with 6 x's is an example.

There are few archers who have this capability.

You can meet them at the Vegas Shoot, NFAA Nationals, indoors and field,
NAA Nationals Indoors and Field and The World Archery Federation Championships.

The Shooting sports all have the following in common; Absolute Dedication to the
sport and Practice, Practice and more Practice.

The 7mm Mag is fun.

hello 1 hunter, really love the indoor game in archery. its very mental and keeping your cool. still working on this also! I shoot with several national level shooters and their total focu
s is amazing and ability to blank out everything. dedication and proper shooting form. catch you guys later, rambling.
Shooting Indoor competition using either the 3 spot Vegas or the five spot NFAA
target. It's fun to watch an archer shoot a perfect score. The trial is when
they shoot perfect ends for the entire shoot. They know where the arrow is
going every shot. It's not just the men, it's also the women archers.
Shooting Indoor competition using either the 3 spot Vegas or the five spot NFAA
target. It's fun to watch an archer shoot a perfect score. The trial is when
they shoot perfect ends for the entire shoot. They know where the arrow is
going every shot. It's not just the men, it's also the women archers.

shooting 300 vegas target in vegas. best score is 86x out of 90x possible. 3 day shoot. jeremy terhune shot this in 2012. i shoot with him in gillette wyo he is a machine! just amazing to watch him do what he does. FOCUS!
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