Your Longest Archery Big Game Kill

Longest Big Game Kill With Bow

  • Under 20 yards

    Votes: 104 7.3%
  • 21 to 40 yards

    Votes: 510 35.7%
  • 41 to 60 yards

    Votes: 453 31.7%
  • 61 to 80 yards

    Votes: 189 13.2%
  • 81 to 100 yards

    Votes: 64 4.5%
  • Over 100 yards

    Votes: 110 7.7%

  • Total voters

I carry a judo pointed arrow in my quiver also. Our bow season opens
August 24, for Deer and Elk and grouse season opens Sept 1.

I don't like wasting a spendy broadhead on a grouse.
thanks 1hunter lol they are tasty but definitely noisy lil critters when your tryin to deer hunt ....season opens in the morning. i tend to wait a while for the cooler weather to get here myself.

Just got back from a week fishing in the high country. A lot cooler up there.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, it's a bit challenging when a grouse comes out from
underfoot and you have just seen a big bull.
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Then there was the youngster who shot over the great big buck, when
asked why did you shoot over that buck? The youngster's reply was
" I was so excited to be so close to that buck I forgot to aim".
Then there was the youngster who shot over the great big buck, when
asked why did you shoot over that buck? The youngster's reply was
" I was so excited to be so close to that buck I forgot to aim".

LOL. That was my 11 yr old Son last Season. It was a little button buck and it flew 2' over its back. He was cross eyed he was so excited.
I answered over a 100 and not afraid to tell my story.
Biggest buck I had ever had the chance to shoot at and had no chance of closing in any further as I hunt wide open crp field's. The shot was a ranged 103 yards (my brother ranged it) and it was slightly quartered away and hit mid body perfect height and got liver and part of 1 lung. Buck ran 300 yards or so and went down.
I come from a family of archery hunters that extends back to the early 70's and have been shooting archery all my life.

I practice year round and am a very good 3d shooter and had more then enough confidence I could make the shot in the perfect conditions I had. It also helps to have pins for that range.
if you think its a fish story I invite you to come shoot with me at 100 yards anytime. Since 2001 my first yr archery hunting I have killed a buck every yr except 1 in which I only hunted a couple days. I have also killed 4 elk and I bet if I averaged all my kills my average is probably over 55 yards.


Congratulations. You will get no condemnation from me. You have proven that
you are capable of exact shot placement at 100+ yards. For those who doubt the capability of an Archer to shoot 100 yards and consistently hit the a 9" center, I
would recommend that They attend a National Archery Association. National
Championship shoot. Shooting this distance is not for everyone. Hunting archers should practice at what ever distances they feel comfortable with and can shoot
groups of 3 to 4 inches consistently. Tighter groups are even better. A competent
Archery Instructor would be of benefit to some Bow Hunters.

Again, Congratulations on a Great shot and a beautiful buck
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