Your Longest Archery Big Game Kill

Longest Big Game Kill With Bow

  • Under 20 yards

    Votes: 104 7.3%
  • 21 to 40 yards

    Votes: 510 35.7%
  • 41 to 60 yards

    Votes: 453 31.7%
  • 61 to 80 yards

    Votes: 189 13.2%
  • 81 to 100 yards

    Votes: 64 4.5%
  • Over 100 yards

    Votes: 110 7.7%

  • Total voters
For those guys who answerd "over 100 yards" - I'd be interested in hearing you biggest fish story too.
Oh... it said big game.... well retardetahts d lol i dont even bow hunt. I got a squirrel at 107 yards that was sitting still for like EVER. might have been sleeping, hell, might have been dead haha. But it look me like 6 tried to get it....
63 yards on an elk stuck him hard both lungs.. I now hunt traditional the modern bow is like a rifle anymore they keep geting more and more powerful every year. I went traditional for the challenge I like to be up close and personal give that animal the best chance to survive the compound bow takes alot of that away.. I only shoot 25 to 30 yard shots with my recurve
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I find it a little disturbing that people are taking 100 yard shots with a bow. One its not ethical to it's just stupid that's why I hear stories about animals walking around wounded and in some cases they still have an arrows stuck in them... its just a foolish move,
You are certainly welcome to you opinion. Opinions are like the rain, each one
is different and every person has several.

Keep you powder dry, if your lucky enough to have some.
90% of my bow hunting has been for whitetail deer so long shots are very uncommon in the thick hardwoods where I hunt. I did kill a buck at 49 yards once out in an open bean field. I would say 75% of the 50 or 60 whitetails that I have taken with a bow have been under 20 yards. That is the way I like it. I killed 2 elk over the years (both in Wyoming) and those were both under 30 yards. Muley bucks and black bears in Idaho have all been under 30 as well. I practice out to 60 but have not had that perfect opportunity to shoot that distance comfortably. It is tough to do that when you are stiff and cold from sitting in a stand for hours.
Long distance Archery kills are the exception, not the norm by any means.

It's pretty obvious the average Archery kill is under 35 yards.

A lot of Archers practice at 80 to 100 yards. 80 yards happens to be the longest distance shot on an NFAA field course and 90 meters is the longest shot on the NAA target tournaments.

With the exception of Of a shoot called the clout
that used to be shot at 180 yards. this shoot has been lengthened out to accommodate the compound bow.

Shooting these longer distances and becoming proficient in correcting for
wind and trajectory is good practice for shooting the short distances
You are certainly welcome to you opinion. Opinions are like the rain, each one
is different and every person has several.

Keep you powder dry, if your lucky enough to have some.

Taking in the factor its not ethical and am a ethical hunter, and practice 6 times a week to be proficient with my bow. And to answer you no range , I don't in a stand over a game trail waiting for them to walk by me I get out there and hunt them. I guided in Alaska Montana Washington and Argentina, so for you to say opinions are like rain, am pretty sure your all facts and no experience

I have hunted game of on type or another since I was 12 years old. I have
only missed a year when I was in Korea. I am now 81 years old.

Experience ? I have been around the block once or twice and have been
in many hunting camps over the years.

The middle of this month I will spend a week and a half Spring Bear and
Turkey hunting.

I wish you well.

Harshness is not a virtue.
Whitetail spike buck...63 big steps. Steps are a unit of range measurement not seen much anymore after the introduction of laser range finders, however this ancient form of ranging can still be found in many rural locations, in use by us "country folk" throughout the south. LOL!:D
Ah yes, the old step it off unit of measure. I know it well. It works fine as long
as you do the steppin. Has to do with how long or short your legs are.
Ah yes, the old step it off unit of measure. I know it well. It works fine as long
as you do the steppin. Has to do with how long or short your legs are.

Yes sir! I'm 6'3" tall so I have a pretty good stride when I pace off for "yardage"..funny thing is , that's what I judge also ,"steps" .. I've been practicing that way since I was a kid so when I look at a deer and judge the distance , my mind automatically judges the distance in my steps , which my sights are set accordingly in "steps" also....
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