Longest Big Game Kill With Rifle

In the last 12 months, what was your longest rifle kill on big game?

  • 0 to 200 yards

    Votes: 1,160 26.4%
  • 201 to 400 yards

    Votes: 1,438 32.7%
  • 401 to 600 yards

    Votes: 1,021 23.2%
  • 601 to 800 yards

    Votes: 460 10.5%
  • 801 to 1,000 yards

    Votes: 168 3.8%
  • Over 1,000 yards

    Votes: 153 3.5%

  • Total voters

Longest kill - small critter:
Prairie dog at 420 long paces, with a Winchester M-70 Varmint in .243 Win. and a Hornady 75 gr. HP. bullet.

Longest kill - Large critter:
Zebra at 272 yards, with a Winchester Model 70 Stainless in .338 Win. Mag and Barnes 210 XCL BT bullet.
117 yds. for one 12 year old Grandson and 78 yards for another Grandson 8 years old! Each time...they had to sit in my lap to get up high enough to rest their rifle on the edge of the stand! Both....one shot kills on 10 pt. and 9pt Missouri whitetails!

That's LONG RANGE for them at present but it'll get better I can assure you!!
When I was a youngster, we lived in Freising, Germany at the foot of Weihenstephan Brewery
(BTW, the oldest brewery in the world).
Dad was in the Air Force and drove a new Road Master that the Braumeister just loved to drive. He was a big time chamois hunter that was headed into the ALPS all through the season and I was always tagging along with my fathers Wilmer 06. The last time we went, I got two. The first one was about 300 yds., and the other over 1/2 mile.
After we got back home, Dad was upset that he didn't make the hunt and that the Buick was a mess.
I was grinning from ear to ear and could have cared less.
I only wish I could still speak German.
As you lost?? prior data?? did you want older shots?? No long range this past 12 mos ...

But longest to date was Autumn 2007 ... Buck Antelope at 700 to 750 yds. -- One shot -- 340 Wby. (Brown Precision Pillar bedded kevlar stock, Rem. 700, RKS 26" barrel, VariX2 6-18 X40AO Loopy with Premier Reticle designed for load) 200 gr. Nosler Ballistic Tip .. once fired brass ... 3290 fps (chrony) -- 30 km/hr full value wind... just behind the right shoulder blade slightly descending rearward for exit wound.... prone over a bipod .. Manyberries, Alberta

Longest prior - 9 years earlier -- 550 yd. (with same rifle) Cow Moose -- same load with .. 200gr. HT Bullet Caroline, Alberta {her boyfriend made getting to her problematic as he wanted to stay and was reluctant to leave -- and was not of pleasant disposition}

Longest prior to that -- a decade earlier yet -- 375 yd. Muley with .243 ... Mauser MarkX with Shilen Barrel and 100 gr. Nosler Partition ... Near Rocky Mtn. House, Alberta

Been increasing distances after training, practice and more confidence ... LRB
Don't believe it. Not with a 3-9 Scope at that yardage.

look back at history, there has been some pretty good shooting done with lower power scopes and open sights even...........

the british service sniper rifle had only a three power scope up till the 60's i think and then they moved to a 6x42?
I have to agree with Tackb and believe that it can be done and good shot for Roadking. I remember my dad taking a whitetail doe at 1232yards (7 tenths of a mile marked off with odometer of truck) on a straight ranch road for a customer one day in either 89 or 90. He was shooting a 264 win mag in Remington 700 BDL using a Red Field 3X9 widefield scope using a 140 grain remington corelokt bullet. The doe was hit behind the shoulder and dropped in the ranch road it was standing. These shots taken back then with lower power scopes were more difficult than the ones taken today with the high power glass.

As for long range shots with open sights look at what some of the buffalo hunters did with their single shots and one document shot made at the 2nd battle of Adobe Walls made by Billy Dixon at 1538 yards with open sights.

Just my 2 cents.

look back at history, there has been some pretty good shooting done with lower power scopes and open sights even...........

the british service sniper rifle had only a three power scope up till the 60's i think and then they moved to a 6x42?
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