Longest Big Game Kill With Rifle

In the last 12 months, what was your longest rifle kill on big game?

  • 0 to 200 yards

    Votes: 1,160 26.4%
  • 201 to 400 yards

    Votes: 1,438 32.7%
  • 401 to 600 yards

    Votes: 1,021 23.2%
  • 601 to 800 yards

    Votes: 460 10.5%
  • 801 to 1,000 yards

    Votes: 168 3.8%
  • Over 1,000 yards

    Votes: 153 3.5%

  • Total voters
Antelope (doe), just a tad over 400 yards with 180g .300WM in Cascade, MT.


Nice to know that a lot of hunters are in my long range hunting category. Thanks.
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I killed a few things aways out an' my head got big and heavy. You stopped the poll where shooting starts to get interesting. How about any game at + 1000? Stories required. I'll put my long story in the hunting section.
639 yds. cow eld this year with a 7mm Mag. with 162 gr. Hornady A-Max. Last year my son and I spotted a 5x5 mulie on opening day, almost exactly where we had shot at a spike elk the previous year. The Armalite 50 BMG nailed this buck at 62.5 Moa (2025 yards calculated later on our ballistics program). Of course our rangefinder won't even come close to ranging that far, but our notes from the previous year is what came through. Many times history, rather than technology is a better bet!
Longest shot ever was 425 yds (paced) back in 90. Buck antelope, with a Ruger M77, 7mm RM, 2 1/2x10x40 B&L, shooting a 120 gr Speer handload. Prone off my day pack. No range finder, I estimated him at 450 yds. 10-15 mph crosswind, put the crosshairs just above his nose. Bang-flop, hit him in the neck just in front of the top of the shoulder hoping for the boiler room.

In the last year, a doe antelope 300 yds in an alphalpha field, prone off my day pack. Bang-flop. Sako 300 WSM shooting Fed 180 SP's. I was using those bullets because they happened to be the last load of several, including handloads, that I tried in an unsuccessful attempt to find a bullet/load that would shoot in that rifle. Still don't know if it's the rifle or the rings. Had a 400 yd follow up shot on another doe, but wasn't confident enough in the rifles performance beyond 300 yds.

Had numerous opportunits this past season on long shots for antelope, deer and elk at most any range imaginable. Hopefully next season, my equipement will be up to speed as well as my proficiency for some longer shots. There should be plenty of opportunities. I've been learning a lot here, and I sure would like to put it to use.
Question for you really long range shooters, how do you determine the quality of the animal your shooting?

I often glass out to 500 yards using Ziess 10 x40 but at any further distance it is tough to tell the quality of the animal escpecially in low light, or maybe my old eyes are just not what they should be. The longest kill I've had on a deer was 250 yards and that was doe so all I needed to determine was size and antlerless. I've only hunted elk once but was prepared to shoot 300 to 400 yards perhaps a little further but I had both cow and bull tags.

Not sure how you protect from ground skrinkage at those long distances, I see a lot of hunters miss judge deer inside 100 yards.
I stick with shooting pigs, audad, and axis doe at long range. I probably wouldn't try a trophy animal at extreme ranges. I passed on a couple of very nice axis bucks (I think) at almost 700 yds for that very reason. In retrospect I should have shot one of them, they're thick as peanut butter on our place.
Mountain lion @ 725. Couldn't range it until after the shot as he was quickly getting further away. 300rum green box scirrocos. On the same hunt I shot my bull elk @ about 10yards. The right place @ the right time.
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