Longest Big Game Kill With Rifle

In the last 12 months, what was your longest rifle kill on big game?

  • 0 to 200 yards

    Votes: 1,160 26.4%
  • 201 to 400 yards

    Votes: 1,438 32.7%
  • 401 to 600 yards

    Votes: 1,021 23.2%
  • 601 to 800 yards

    Votes: 460 10.5%
  • 801 to 1,000 yards

    Votes: 168 3.8%
  • Over 1,000 yards

    Votes: 153 3.5%

  • Total voters
513 metres

513m , leica lrf 1200, red hind , .308 168 amax ,46g varget,20'' rem barrel mcmillan a5 badger ordnance mag kit. this load makes 2600 fps and matches my leupold m3 308m turret perfctly I love this bit of kit it was built by RIFLECRAFT who is a superb builder he's just built me a custom .260 rem which I'm gagging to try on deer as soon as poss.....
~550 yds, whitetail doe, 1 shot, clean kill, dropped where she stood. Most of my deer are under 400 yds though. However I did shoot a doe at 340 yds with my 303 British with the flip up open sights several years ago. Also dropped her in her tracks. That was more impressive to myself than my 300 RUM on the whitetail @ 550 yds.
790 yards. 2007 Eastern Oregon mule deer. Remington 700, 7 RM using 162g AMAX at around 2900fps. Shot laying prone w/harris bi-pod. Very little to no wind. 1 shot was all it took!
Not a real long range shot, but a cool story none the less....spotted a group of does in the middle of a meadow. Had to belly crawl along a drainage ditch to get into a firing position. My buddy that lives in a house about 400 yards away saw the deer as well. He came out onto his porch with his rifle to take a shot. He saw my orange hat and decided he would just watch. There were four deer in the group. Two does and two fawns. I made the decision I wanted the biggest doe. I saw in the muck for about ten minutes waiting on my shot. My buddy watching was wondering why wasn't I shooting, all the deer were 150-200 yards in front of me. What he couldn't tell was that the deer I couldn't actually see because of the rolling hills - to me, the deer was "under" me and I couldn't stand up to take a shot because I was out in the open. So I waited in the muck. Then when the deer did "appear" to me. One of the fawns stood right behind her and I had to wait even more for the two to separate. Finally, after 15 or 20 minutes I got my shot - 152 yards, threw the neck. Dropped her right where she stood.

My buddy came over to help me drag the deer and we recounted the events and he asked why I hadn't shot earlier. When I took him to my firing position it was clear to him that even though the meadow is a huge open expanse, from a prone position, much of the area just disappear beneath you.

Rifle specs:
Remington 700ss mountain rifle.
140g remington corlokt bullet

This rifle has just been rebuilt by Hart Rifle Barrels. I'll be at the range with it for the first time this weekend and will post pics and target results.
I took whitetails in '07 at 503,611, 781, and 822 yards. the 781 fell to a 6.5 Gibbs running 139 gr's at 3280 fps, the rest came by the 7mm AM 160 accubonds at 3575 fps.
My only big game long range kill, long range for me anyhow 07 coues 498yds with borrowed 300rum 155 scenars dont know what the load was but it worked. Missed first shot at 640something yds very high deer felt sorry came closer gave me a 2nd chance.
Muley Buck in 1976 near Alder Montana at 1340 yards with a custom 300 wby. 6x6 elk near Meeker Colorado in 1978 at 1130 yards with a custom 270 wby. Numerous elk between 500-1000 yards with a 338-378 wby.
well, not that far but a new one for me... 310 white tail fawn.. good eatin --> whats left anyway ;)
502 yard Sow 300RUM
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