Longest Big Game Kill With Rifle

In the last 12 months, what was your longest rifle kill on big game?

  • 0 to 200 yards

    Votes: 1,160 26.4%
  • 201 to 400 yards

    Votes: 1,438 32.7%
  • 401 to 600 yards

    Votes: 1,021 23.2%
  • 601 to 800 yards

    Votes: 460 10.5%
  • 801 to 1,000 yards

    Votes: 168 3.8%
  • Over 1,000 yards

    Votes: 153 3.5%

  • Total voters

Well I killed a coyote at 775 yards with the 300 RUM, but thats not considered big-game...Farthest big-game with the 300 RUM was 513 yards on a spike bull elk, 200g AB rocked his world to say the least...

I have been doing quite a bit of practicing lately with my 7 RM/162g AMAX out to 800 yards and feel real confident with it out to that distance if there is very little to no wind and I have a very good laying prone w/bipod rest.
Antelope in Medicine Bow Wy. 777 yards one shot and a Drop in its tracks kill in a 10 MPH wind with a 300 Win. 180 grain TSX..........
638 yards Mule Deer
Rifle - 300 Win Mag Model 70 Laredo Long Range Hunter
Load -180 grain Hornady BTSP, 81 grain H1000 at 3000 fps
Distance Measured using Nikon Buckmaster 800

600+ yards Mule Deer
Rifle - 280 Remington Custom Model 1909 Argentine Mauser/Douglas XX
Load - 150 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip, 55.6 grain IMR-4831 at 2950 fps.
Distance Measured using Redfield Accutrac from a friend's rifle
Cow elk in sw Colorado. 300 RUM -180 gr. Nosler Accubond in front of a pretty good dose of Retumbo powder. 125 yards.
This probably dont count but...the rancher I bought my BLR 7mag from said he kilt a cow elk at 623 measured yards with it. The scope is a original 4x Denver Redfield. He was using green box Rem ammo.
I believe him.

I hope to do as well with the Mod 70 7mag 26" he later sold me.
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490 measured yards about 35 degrees up hill on a muley buck. Yum yum.

(Edit 1/16/8) This last season I broadsided a mule deer doe through both lungs and aorta at 380 and another doe the same way at 530. The cool part is 4 complete strangers walked up on us as my bro and I were setting up the 530 yard shot. They couldn't find the deer until they saw it rolling down the hill. 2 bullets, 2 deer. Gotta love it.

(Edit 10/31/8) This season brought a 1 shot kill on a 420 yard mule deer that went right through the center of a rib, pierced the diaphram, fractured the liver and exited near the kidneys. All 4 of these deer were shot with a .30 cal Nosler J4 from a .308 win. MV about 2600 fps
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666 yards, white tail doe, 7mm/ 300win imp. (wby shoulder and neck), 82 grains reloader 25, 120 grain Barnes TSX, 3750 fps.

244 yards, white tail doe, .416-06 JDJ Encore Pistol, 62 grains H4895, 400 grain Hawk RT .025" Jacket, 2000 fps, off the side of the calf lying in a field.
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Dall sheep, a ram ranged at 600 yds.
Alaska. Sept 4, 2007
Rem M700 LSS 338 RUM, 225 gr Accubond.
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A 6x6 bull elk in New Mexico @ 319yds w/ 300 WM loaded w/180 Nos AB.
The bull just finished mounting a cow when I shot. I think he went out happy.
Just to update, last week I got this antelope at 740 yds. I had Ernie Bishop on the range finder and Steve Hugel spotting.
Let me know if you want to go next year, long shots are easier to come by in WY. We had 12 hunters and two wifes along this year. Great food and a good time was had by all.
I sure like the new MOA and the LR Lupy on it.
It also helps to have an experienced spotter along and two are even better.

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