Yes, I do…hence the specific questions to Ten ton hammer.If differences between AR 15 and 10 (excluding srar) holds true the bcg should be
Do you
Yes, I do…hence the specific questions to Ten ton hammer.If differences between AR 15 and 10 (excluding srar) holds true the bcg should be
Do you makes a buffer for these long action AR's…so I ordered one.The buffer from the factory is a solid piece with no room for adding weights so I'll shop around for a replacement that allows for weights and report back when I have more data.
I await your report. Good makes a buffer for these long action AR's…so I ordered one.
Since the buffer is shorter in these Long Action AR's, than a standard rifle length buffer…the heaviest the Heavybuffer can be made is 12.45oz, with tungsten weights.
The Heavybuffer really helps out with my WSM's, so it should work wonders with these long action AR's.
I'll report back when I get some down range.