Longest Big Game Kill With Rifle

In the last 12 months, what was your longest rifle kill on big game?

  • 0 to 200 yards

    Votes: 1,160 26.4%
  • 201 to 400 yards

    Votes: 1,438 32.7%
  • 401 to 600 yards

    Votes: 1,021 23.2%
  • 601 to 800 yards

    Votes: 460 10.5%
  • 801 to 1,000 yards

    Votes: 168 3.8%
  • Over 1,000 yards

    Votes: 153 3.5%

  • Total voters
Last year 988 yds on Cow Elk with JLK 180 7mag. This year 898 yds on Cow Elk with Berger 180. Both shots were absolutely lethal. They both dropped dead in their tracks. The one this year had a 15mph cross wind @ 90degrees. gun)
Last year 988 yds on Cow Elk with JLK 180 7mag. This year 898 yds on Cow Elk with Berger 180. Both shots were absolutely lethal. They both dropped dead in their tracks. The one this year had a 15mph cross wind @ 90degrees. gun)

Good shooting my friend. You must practice and know your equipment well.

Jeff gun)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Good shooting my friend. You must practice and know your equipment well.

Jeff gun)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks man! Ya I have a CPG 7mag that has around 1100 rounds thru it in 3 years. I really like to put myself in as many real world scenarios as possible to become a better shooter when it counts!
My longest shot so far was on a bear. I shot it at 530 even...dropped it in its tracks. Then I went to Wyoming and shot two antelope. The first one was at 356 and the second was at 495. Both of them dropped in their tracks as well. Prior to this year, my longest was my 2011 bear at 432.

All these were shot with a factory Remington 700 LSS chambered in 300 RUM. I am shooting 210 Berger VLDs with 92g of Retumbo. It is running them out at about 3025 fps.

Scope is a Nikon Monarch 4-16x42 with the BDC retical. The antelope at 365 and the bear at 432 I just used the BDC. The two longer shots I dialed for.
825 yards on Wyoming Antelope with 6mm x 47 Lapua on a Savage Model 12. 95 grain Sierra Match King with 39.0 grains of H4350 @ 3100 fps. Spine shot and a belly-flop!
6x6 whitetail 750yds, custom Remington 700 in 300wm, 190gr Berger vld. The buck went about 50 yards & piled up after the shot. Longest coyote 535yds same gun but the coyote never moved after he he.
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