2013 Long Range Shoots In Townsend Montana

Looks like it should be a great day for shooting in Townsend tomorrow.

Yup!! Sunny and warm, low winds.gun)

Got the Magneto to test along with my Oehler 35 and just got a Bullseye Target cam to review. Set it up at home tonight just to get a little familiar with it look pretty cool. I will have it there as well and if I can find a safe place to position it we will demonstrate it as well.

Yup!! Sunny and warm, low winds.gun)

Got the Magneto to test along with my Oehler 35 and just got a Bullseye Target cam to review. Set it up at home tonight just to get a little familiar with it look pretty cool. I will have it there as well and if I can find a safe place to position it we will demonstrate it as well.


Cool, I'll be bringing the acoustic Superchrono to line up with the others.
Was a great day for the shoot. Good attendance and some drove a long ways.

Here is a pic of Riley and family sending some down range and spotting. It was great to meet you guys. Always nice to see a family outing with shooting involved.


Riley installing the Magneto speed on his 284 win.


BnG's daughter getting down on her target.


The line.


Was a great shoot guys!!

Thanks for coming!!

Was a great day for the shoot. Good attendance and some drove a long ways.

Here is a pic of Riley and family sending some down range and spotting. It was great to meet you guys. Always nice to see a family outing with shooting involved.


Riley installing the Magneto speed on his 284 win.


BnG's daughter getting down on her target.


The line.


Was a great shoot guys!!

Thanks for coming!!


Thanks Jeff for putting these shoots on, it was a really great time and i am hoping to make the August shoot as well, and thanks again for letting me send a few through your 6BR, that is one sweet little rig and cartridge! It was also nice to be able to compare three chronographs side by side, the results were pretty obvious!

Is there still a shoot scheduled for the 17th of this month?

I have not done one of these as of yet but would love to do one if I can find the time.


How do I get the specifics on this shoot? (times, local, etc.)

is it open to all? children?


We have been starting between 9:00 and 9:30 am

The shoot is at the Broadwater Rod and Gun Club Indian Creek Range. The range is located up Indian Creek road. Take the first road west off hi-way 287 just north of the river bridge north of Townsend. Go up about 2 miles (aprox) and watch for the sign on the right (north) side of the road. There is a big quantsit (sp) hut there and a red flag will be up at the gate by the road. Gate will be open when I get there.

Yes, on the children as long as they are with a parent or guardian. Standard SOP's will be in order and we will have a couple range officers there to help out if needed.

Please make sure the young shooters have ear protection and use them during open fire sessions.

Hope to see you there!

So who will be at the shoot this weekend? I will be able to make it. Hope to see some of you there.
I won't make this one.

Sorry Broz not seeing your LRKM and Riley with your 210 LRAB's.

Have fun.
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