2011 Long Range Shoots, Townsend Montana

Thanks again for putting it on Jeff and feeding us to boot! He's a postmortem pic of the goat, he put up a fight but Jeff stopped the charge with the Lapua and even called it before letting it go. I can't help but to notice the guys who hit were dead on and those who were of shot clean. I can't remember the yardage exactly, mid 700's I think.

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The Goat shoot was a Hoot!!!! Fun stuff. Bullets were colored and each shooter had a color. Then each shooter ranged the goat, (I had him at 757 yards), then doped his rifle and took one shot. The corner of the white hair was the point of aim. I was getting the .338 LM back dialed in with the new load and the 300 gr Berger Hybrid Gen 2's. I got lucky I think:) But have to admit the 300 gr hybrid did pencil through. First time this has ever happened to me...:D

We will do more of this and maybe two animals next time.

Here is the hero pic.

Jeff gun)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Had a great time today. Thanks again Jeff for putting this together (the burgers were great too!). Today is the first time I've ever shot beyond 435 yds (the longest berm at my home range in Logan), so it was definitely an experience for me and I can't wait to do more!

Here are a few of the pics I took today.



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A couple more....

Including my 'sharpied' red bullet for the Antelope shoot out. :D My hit was the furthest right....in the neck.


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I believe I was the only one driving a 308 boltgun on the line today.

I was pushing 208 AMax at 2675 fps via RL17.

Rifle is a Rem 700 SPS Varmint LH. HTG stock, and Leupold MK4 3.5-10x40 M1.

I was pounding the swingset steel at 823 with great consistency. The 750 yard goat was a miss though, despite being much larger, and closer. I'd like to blame the wind, but cannot, so I'll own my miss....grin.
Great pics guys, Thanks for posting up.

Ben, Glad you made the trip and enjoyed it. Nice meeting you and look forward to seeing you in July.

Montana Marine. Your .308 was pounding the hardest to hit steel at 823 yds. I watched you smack them over and over. As for the " miss " , I know after that one shower the temps went up from 65 to 72 degrees. Could that have affected your dial up? I tend to lean away from pilot eror. I have shot with you to a mile before and trust the pilot.:)

Jeff gun)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Temp change....yeah, that's gotta be it.......grin.

That target was generous in size for the distance, roughly 2+ moa tall from shoulder to brisket.

It looked fairly easy (relative to other targets out there), and I just wasn't focused.
Just found the thread. I enjoyed reading all of it. I am going to have to try and make it next month. Bit of a poke from Kalispell, but sure would be fun to meet you all. Hopefully my new pain killer brake will be installed in time.

Rocky, have you been to the Potomac shoots? It will save you about 130miles, and is a load of fun and learning. You will have to know your drops, or, like me last month, gets some close ideas and correct as you go. A lot more shooting, (about 70 rounds for the precision, 40 for the Hunter), but well worth it. The Townsend sight is a little more relaxing, and it's do what you want. Better food, too! Potomac is this Sat. I would assume there will be more attendance than last months 21, might fill up with 45. Check out Gary Marbut's sight, it will give you the info.
I hope to be at both next month, would like to do it every week, but then reality sets in. :)
Just found the thread. I enjoyed reading all of it. I am going to have to try and make it next month. Bit of a poke from Kalispell, but sure would be fun to meet you all. Hopefully my new pain killer brake will be installed in time.


Steve, Hope you can make it would love to meet ya. I really like BignGreens idea of the random dope and shoot antelope deal. That to me was very fun and as close as ya can get to a real hunting situation with out needing a tag or having to drag. Next month I hope to we will have two to 3 game targets for this same type of shoot.

Jeff gun)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Your thoughts regarding multiple ranges etc are good.

I did this several years ago and will again. It did more for sharpening my skills and settling my nerves most other things I've done.Spirit Ridge Rifle Golf :: White's Valley, UT :: Call Today 1-[HIDDEN]

Get a bunch of you guys together and who knows what will come out.

However it is a know fact that a group of guys from Idaho can out shoot a group of guys from Montana or Utar. The gauntlet has been thrown down!!!:D:D:D
Roy that really looks like fun!!!

However it is a know fact that a group of guys from Idaho can out shoot a group of guys from Montana or Utar. The gauntlet has been thrown down!!!:D:D:D

Hey brother, have you ben doubling up on the meds again?? :D:D:D

Jeff gun)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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