Montana Long Range Get-Together / Shoot

Eric and his 300 RUM.


Through the IOR 4.5 x 14 on my 6br on the 785 yard target


Some hits on steel

One more.. A pic of Alan. This was his first time shooting long range. He is shooting my 6br in to 785 in this pic, but he also shot my 338 LM and is now thinking he might need to venture farther into this type of shooting.:D

Jeff gun)gun)

I wish I had known about this earlier, I would have made one or two. I have been shooting in the Potomac matches for two or three years. They are a blast. This would give me more chances to shoot without the travel and expense. I have not been to your range yet. It looks good. I have a Swede that I have been trying to get shooing to use at long range that is driving me nuts. Somethimes shoots good, than the next it's crappy. I thought I had it figured out, and the other day it was all over the place. I am guessing something came loose. That may be the project for the day. Let me know when you are doing this again. I haven't been checking this forum as much lately, and I missed this thread. I won't be doiing that again! Jeff.
Jeff, as soon as the 2011 schedule and other info are finalized I will be posting in this forum.

Sorry we missed ya this year.

Jeff gun)gun)
Broz, thanks for sharing the pics, great looking range and some very nice rigs. Looks like everyone had a really good time. Hats off to you...I know it takes alot of time and effort to put these type of events on.:)
Broz, thanks for sharing the pics, great looking range and some very nice rigs. Looks like everyone had a really good time. Hats off to you...I know it takes alot of time and effort to put these type of events on.:)

Thanks Chas, It is something I love to do so it is no workat all..:D

I am really excited for next year. Bigngreen has some great ideas as well as a few others that have came. Might add a card board Deer target to the mix and we all take 2 shots with our own color of bullets colored with a majic marker.

Looking forward to it. gun)gun)

I just looked it up and it's 521 miles and 7.5 hrs driving time. Not that far really. Might have to make one of the shoots this next year. Looks to be fun. Hard part would be to decide which of the guns stay home. They all want to come. :)
I just looked it up and it's 521 miles and 7.5 hrs driving time. Not that far really. Might have to make one of the shoots this next year. Looks to be fun. Hard part would be to decide which of the guns stay home. They all want to come. :)

Bill.. Bring em all along! There are very nice camp grounds close by and if there is anyway I can help you out let me know. Nothin fancy here just some long range shooters doing what they like to do.gun)gun)

Hope you can make it out next year.

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