Montana Long Range Get-Together / Shoot

I figured out what at least part of the problem was with that .260 I was shooting last week. Went to take the scope off and discovered that the rear base screw was stripped out! The base would move up to 1/8" depending on if it was propped up on what was left of the thread or flush with the receiver. I drilled it out and tapped it for a #8 rather than the stock #6. Should be getting my new scope in today and I hope to test it out again this weekend. No wonder we were seeing those huge and strange groups with the ladder test! It's a wonder I even got every round on paper!

Glad to hear you were able to remedy it. Let us know how the new scope works out for you.
8 day notice...:) The last Long range shoot I will be hosting this year will be held Next Saturday Aug 28th. I plan to get some more steel out there at 700 to 900 yards as well as the steel we already have at 200, 300, 400, 500and 1000. Also a few frozen water jugs on a strng at 1000.

I have the shoot scheduled from 4~8 pm. But we can do it any time that day as long as I have a little notice before hand. So let me know what works best for you shooters.

Look forward to seeing all that has attended prior and also seeing a few new faces to enjoy some long rang shooting.

No cost!! Membership to the club is not needed for this event. Bring your rifle or come watch and see what its all about. I will have a few rifles there and will be glad to let you shoot a few rounds with them if you want to test drive one.


Jeff gun)gun)gun)
Broz, I'm locked in and GTG!!!! I'll through the gong in, snack sticks, and some 2.5 gal jugs if I can find a bunch at work maybe. I wish it wasn't such a pain to shoot dynamite these days gun)
Awesome! Glad to hear it BnG. I am still kicking around the idea of having a grill on site so we can toss some hotdogs on. Let me know if that is something that you would want to do and also about the time that would make it easier with your travel.


I'll just bring some stuff that doesn't need cooked, we can through it in the windshield and cook if we have to, man it's been hot down here the past couple days. I'll show when ever, I was planning on getting there early to help you set up if needed just say when you want me there!
I know that the shooting is way better here in the later evening.
BnG sounds great! I pulled a couple of my steel targets yesterday we can use. We will just randomely set them out there so we have to range , dope, and engage. Should e fun!! Keep me posted on your ETA and we will hook up.

Lookin forward to it.

Jeff gun)gun)
BnG sounds great! I pulled a couple of my steel targets yesterday we can use. We will just randomely set them out there so we have to range , dope, and engage. Should e fun!! Keep me posted on your ETA and we will hook up.

Lookin forward to it.

Jeff gun)gun)

I'm getting ready, I got the Leica LRF 1200 from Bigbuck the other day and it is excellent, at least good enough to get me through till I build a 300gr Berger shooter :D

I like the random ranges, I'm looking forward to learning a bunch!!!
I like the random ranges, I'm looking forward to learning a bunch!!!

Yep me too, closer to the real deal. The targets I am bringing can be moved so when we go to check and touch up paint we can relocate them for different shots.

Should be fun... hope some of the other shooters here can come join in too.

Jeff gun)gun)
Thanks to all that attended shoots this year. It was great meeting some new shooters. I hope you all enjoyed them and hope to build these shoots into even more fun for next season.

Thank You!

Jeff gun)gun)
Thanks for putting it on Broz! It was a great time, worth the drive just to range stuff at 2345yrds, of hand, in the rain with the Vectronix! You can count me in next year for sure :D You should through some pics up!
OK, Here are some pics from the last shoot. I will start with the bigngreen file.:D

First is a shot of his 270 WSM, that shoots very well and sent 2 accubonds through a 1 gallon water jug at 1010 yards. Darn good shootin in my book!!


A close up of the accubonds that were flying very well.

Bigngreen in action

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