Montana Long Range Get-Together / Shoot

Tannerite, pretty cool. I checked out the 6+ minute instructional video and seems pretty safe and simple. Thanks for posting the link.
Thanks for the ideas guys. I have some ideas in mind now...:cool:

It's this coming Saturday in Townsend Mt. Just to the north end of town, coss the river and up indian creek road to the west. Range is on the right. Look for the Gate and the "Broadwater Co. Rod and Gun Club" sign. Shooting from 4~8 pm.. later if we need to. Bring all your equipment , rifles, targets or what ever you like. Or just bring a lawn chair and visit. Nuthin fancy here just good fun burning some powder with local shooters.

Hope to see some of you there.

Jeff gun)gun)
Broz, I'll see if I can make it. I've got the girlfriend coming into town this weekend so I'm hoping there's a sale somewhere in town so I can sneak away:)
Broz, I'll see if I can make it. I've got the girlfriend coming into town this weekend so I'm hoping there's a sale somewhere in town so I can sneak away:)

Great !! She is welcome to come along also. I know there will be some other girls there too.

Wife's B-day on the 10th. We are going to the Bozeman gun show, she wants new wading boots and there is a fellow there that sells them, I'm buying. She does like to shoot, but not on her B-day.

Also, my rifle is still at the gunsmith, promised no later than the first of April, then the middle of May, now I think I might have to buy something to hunt with since I'm beginning to doubt it will ever get done...

I would be very interested in a shoot at long range, the Livingston range only goes to 500 meters. So, hopefully, next time. Plus I've got friends in Helena and also the Townsend area that would be very interested so I'll tell them.

Bummer.......Major family get together scheduled. Sorry I'll miss it.

However, I have a tour of Western MT mapped out and will be making contacts to schedule when I hear from APS.
What time is this happening? Thinking about weather we can day trip it.


Steve, I planned it for evening so the wind might be more lax. 4~8 PM. Would love to meet ya ! There is a camp grounds next to the river right down the road. Let me know if I can do anything to help or get ya any additional info.

Better add some directions.

On the north side of Townsend MT. Just north of the Missouri river bridge on hwy 12 , you will find Indian Creek road going west. Take Indian creek across the train tracks and on up a few miles. Watch on your right (north) fo the shooting range gate with sign. Come on up , we will be by the quansit hut.

Hope to see some of ya!

Jeff gun)gun)
I don't think I'm going to be able to make it. It sounds like we're going to be heading to Butte for the weekend for the folk festival down there. Let me know how it goes though and we should definitely not let this be the last get together!

I was thinking about targets too and how about just a bag of flour? I would think that would poof up pretty good if a big slug hit it. Maybe a bag of lime would be better since it would be a little denser to open up bullet jackets a little more?
love to go but it is schuled the same time as the missoula bench rest shoot. Are you having anymore of these this year.
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