2013 Long Range Shoots In Townsend Montana

Great shoot today guys and the last one for the season. Thanks for coming. We had several new shooters this time as well as some of us regulars.

The younger crowd was well represented by Riley (Barnesuser) and younger brother. Tearing up the steel gongs at 750+ and also placing hits at 1013. And BignGreen's daughter was stacking up dead steel rams at 550 yards with her 6br. I never seen her miss. I think I heard of a 10 hit string if I am not mistaken.

Was a fun day for sure. It looks to me like everyone is ready for hunting season.

Thanks for making these events a success this summer.

Uh, Jeff, you kinda forgot to mention that 1/2 MOA rock you connected with at 2275 yards on your 2nd shot and 4th shots.. :) Thanks for puttimg these shoots on, it was a great time and we had lots of fun. Thanks for letting me send 2 through your LRKM, that thing is a sweet shooter.
Jeff- thank you for having us all up there, it was a pleasure meeting everyone.

Shane- thanks for showing me how interesting the lowly 308 can be!

Hope to see y'all again sometime!

Jeff, thanks for hosting another really nice shoot. Had a great shooting day, and it was nice to meet some new folks, and see others again.

The LRKM is quite the rifle!

Rob, here's the best online tutorial I've found on the 308 Win. Pretty much says it all, more or less......grin.
Thank you to Jeff that was awesome! What a great bunch of guys! I learned at least one thing from every person that I visited with and there was a pile of folks there! I need a membership to that range! My wife and munchkins love camping at Canyon Ferry and that facility was just amazing! Win Win!
[/QUOTE]Rob, here's the best online tutorial I've found on the 308 Win. Pretty much says it all, more or less......grin.

Good thing none of those 1000yd plates read that tutorial! ;)
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