2013 Long Range Shoots In Townsend Montana

MMERSS, I am going to use your G7 BC that you found with your 308 win, and see how it matches up with my drops.

I will be much more prepared for this one.

I got my Magnetospeed V2 today so i will bring that along.

I got my 284 win dialed in shooting 1/2 MOA at 300 yards with 1/2" of vertical. :cool:

And the 30/375 S.I. is shooting 1/2 MOA with the 210 ALR with very minimal load work. I might give the 230 berger target a try down the road.
I have a predicament! I really wanted to get to one of these shoots! So the family and I are going camping at confederate bay, and yes my wife knows my plan. This way I can put some names to faces, but I do not have my arsenal ready! My ultra is shooting like a shot gun recently, 105 amax 6mm bullets are as rare as a Yellowstone elk. My 300wm is at Randy Melvin's still and blah blah blah! But darn it I can bring my smile!
I have a predicament! I really wanted to get to one of these shoots! So the family and I are going camping at confederate bay, and yes my wife knows my plan. This way I can put some names to faces, but I do not have my arsenal ready! My ultra is shooting like a shot gun recently, 105 amax 6mm bullets are as rare as a Yellowstone elk. My 300wm is at Randy Melvin's still and blah blah blah! But darn it I can bring my smile!

Rooster, I have 3 LR shooters not quite ready for prime time yet. So' I'm bringing my 223 like I did last time. Looking forward to seeing ya there!

I do have pics on my phone :)
After a year or better of "intending" to make one of these shoots, I think it might could happen! I'm looking forward to meeting a bunch of you in person.
I have a predicament! I really wanted to get to one of these shoots! So the family and I are going camping at confederate bay, and yes my wife knows my plan. This way I can put some names to faces, but I do not have my arsenal ready! My ultra is shooting like a shot gun recently, 105 amax 6mm bullets are as rare as a Yellowstone elk. My 300wm is at Randy Melvin's still and blah blah blah! But darn it I can bring my smile!

Hank, do you need a ride from Confederate Camp grounds? I live close and could swing through and pick you up Sat am. if that would in any way help? Not meaning that your wife and family are not welcome too, just tossing it out there. You don't need a rifle, it would be great to finally meet you in person.

MMERSS, I am going to use your G7 BC that you found with your 308 win, and see how it matches up with my drops.

I will be much more prepared for this one.

I got my Magnetospeed V2 today so i will bring that along.

I got my 284 win dialed in shooting 1/2 MOA at 300 yards with 1/2" of vertical. :cool:

And the 30/375 S.I. is shooting 1/2 MOA with the 210 ALR with very minimal load work. I might give the 230 berger target a try down the road.

I wish I could make the shoot. I'm out of town this weekend. I wouldn't mind seeing the 210's behind a developed load. You may be one of the first to post developed precision results.
Hank, do you need a ride from Confederate Camp grounds? I live close and could swing through and pick you up Sat am. if that would in any way help? Not meaning that your wife and family are not welcome too, just tossing it out there. You don't need a rifle, it would be great to finally meet you in person.


I will have my pickup so I am good there, but thank you. I will bring a few powder burners, but my cool iron is not up to par. I found the range on google earth and I am ready to learn a few new tricks!

I'll be there Saturday too.

I can bring along a 15"x25" AR500 torso, and swingset bracket, if you want to add it to the target array. If so, let me know and I'll get there plenty early.

See you all there,


I'll be there Saturday too.

I can bring along a 15"x25" AR500 torso, and swingset bracket, if you want to add it to the target array. If so, let me know and I'll get there plenty early.

See you all there,


That would be awesome Shane. The more target the better. Glad you are coming too!!


OK, I'll bring along the steel and mount, and I think I've got a couple cans of white spray paint on hand too.

Let me know what time you plan to get there Saturday, and I'll be there about the same time.

This does sound like good times. Be nice to see more pics after this weekend. Hope all have a blast ( pun intended) be safe and have great weekend
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