Montana Long Range Get-Together / Shoot

Hey Guys! Just a reminder, we are shooting again this afternoon 4~8 pm. Indian Creek Range Townsend Montana.

Hope to see you there!!

Jeff, gun)gun)
Still on for shooting this Saturday? Any way we could make it earlier in the day?

Yes it is for tomorrow 4~8 pm... I hate to change th time this close to the shoot, just in case others have made their plans. But if you would like to start earlier I would be glad to come in and open it up.

I am very gla to hear of interest. The last one I pretty much sat there alone for 4 hours. We can change these events to what ever you guys like, or want it to be, and that includes the time of day. I chose the evening in hope of less wind, but mornings might even be better. Please tell me your thoughts at the shoot. I would really like to see this grow a bit and become a fun thing for all.


Jeff gun)gun)

Great to meet you! I had a fantastic time out blasting on Saturday. Thanks for putting that together and opening the range up. Hopefully some more people will be able to make it out to the next one!

Pat, Thank you for coming and glad you enjoyed it. What a great evening to shoot!! Look forward to seeing you again and burning more powder.

Jeff gun)gun)
I figured out what at least part of the problem was with that .260 I was shooting last week. Went to take the scope off and discovered that the rear base screw was stripped out! The base would move up to 1/8" depending on if it was propped up on what was left of the thread or flush with the receiver. I drilled it out and tapped it for a #8 rather than the stock #6. Should be getting my new scope in today and I hope to test it out again this weekend. No wonder we were seeing those huge and strange groups with the ladder test! It's a wonder I even got every round on paper!
Is there another shoot in the future Broz?

We have one more schduled Long Range shoot This season.

Aug 28th 2010

Indian Creek Range in Townsend Montana all on Saturday 4 ~ 8 pm.

Thinking of making it a grill out too. I will have a grill with charcoal going and just bring your own burgers or hotdogs. ??? What ya all think??

Hope some more of you can make it over.


Pat, glad you found it!! Thats cool as we both new somethin was wrong.

or the last shoot I am planning to freeze the water jugs for he 1000 yard target too. And if I can,, I will have some steel targets in the 700 ~ 800 range as well.

Hope you can make the next one too.

Jeff gun)gun)
I have a portable gong set up that I can bring over to set up at odd ball distances, I can through it in if you want, it is 3/4 mild steel so it is better for longer distance for the big boys but any 30cal or smaller it can take. I'll pull some sausage and snack sticks out of the freezer also!:D
I need to make it, you guys have some long range skills that I want to learn!!
Heck ya!!! Bring your target too... We will put it out there at 800 plus, wait till you see what those 300 Hybrids do to it .... Ha!!:D

Lookin forward to it.

Jeff gun)gun)
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