Montana Long Range Get-Together / Shoot

Thanks for letting me know guys. Yes, we are planning more and I will announce dates soon. This is just the first to see if we have interest and where we want to go with it. Keep it simple and just a meet up and shoot, or add a bit of some type of competition.

I have several plastic jugs that I will hang at 1000 yards to shoot. Plus I will have some water balloons hung at 550 yds along with a few golf balls on a string. I like the bag of flower idea. I might have to fill up some ziplocks and hang them up too.

Jeff gun)gun)
I think in Roanoke, Va, they have an annual egg shoot. If I remember correctly, they try their luck on eggs at 500 yards. That could get interesting...
I think in Roanoke, Va, they have an annual egg shoot. If I remember correctly, they try their luck on eggs at 500 yards. That could get interesting...

td, we are thinking about the eggs too. I might put them next to the flower. Then if the sun shines bright after the shoot we may have cake..:D

Clay targets are really fun to shoot at 1000.... I would love to make it as well. Maybe a later event though. The next 1k Br shoot is the 14th and 15th of aug. As long as its not that weekend me and jackson should be able to make it.

Clay targets are really fun to shoot at 1000.... I would love to make it as well. Maybe a later event though. The next 1k Br shoot is the 14th and 15th of aug. As long as its not that weekend me and jackson should be able to make it.


Thanks Bobby, I will get the other dates up soon. We can make this what ever we want it to be. As long as we have people wanting to shoot. You guys that can't make it , be thinking about what kind of even we should make this into. Or we can just keep it as a get-to-gether and shoot. I will keep it goin if we have people coming. But I need to reserve the dates in avance. Lots of stuff goes on at the range. They do some cowboy, sporting clays, and a new archery range going in too. So, just let me know what appeals to you all.


I did not see the thread untill a couple of days ago, just not enough time to plan. I would very much like to try another date. It would be great to put faces to the names that I respect.


We have schduled more Long Range shoots. Here is the Schedule.

July 24th 2010

Aug 7th 2010

Aug 28th 2010

Indian Creek Range in Townsend Montana all on Saturdays 4 ~ 8 pm.

Hope some more of you can make it over.

Broz, I won't be able to make it this weekend. I've got a wedding Saturday and an F-class shoot Sunday. I WILL make one in August though.
Somehow I've got to make it to one of these this year. Still a bit of a road trip for me all the way up here in NW MT. Would sure like to meet you guys.

I look forward to meeting you guys too. Hey, if you guys that are traveing would rather do a morning shoot, I could look into changing the times in Aug. I set it up from 4~8 pm to give people time to get around and in hope the wind would be down a bit. If you have any suggestions run them by me and I will see what we can do.

If you have any suggestions run them by me and I will see what we can do.

OK, could you set one up in the Southeast:D. only kidding Jeff. I'd love to be there but, a wee bit too far. Hopefully someone will take some pics and I can live vicariously through the pics. Seriousy, I know you guys are going to have a great time. Everyone enjoy and have a safe trip.
I would love to go but my rifle just showed up from the gunsmith, and I'm having some back problems that make any long driving a non-starter. I do have the August dates on my calender and very much plan to attend.

Don't lose heart on this, it will take a bit to get interest and attendance but I think the idea is excellent and a great way to spark interest and education about long range shooting and hunting.
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