2013 Long Range Shoots In Townsend Montana

I am so glad you guys had a good time. When I finished painting the other day the range full of freshly painted targets looked like it was ready for some fun. I wish I could have joined you.

Cliff, you were right. Even after some professional training and several smooth rides the same horse got me again. Guess he is a little cold backed on these cool mornings. So I will be gimping around again for a few weeks.:rolleyes:

Roy, My family and I enjoyed having you here. It was nice to sit down and get to know you a little. Come for another visit anytime.


Thanks for making the trip all the way from Idaho. It was nice of you to let some of the others shoot your AM. I love the sound of the impact!
The pleasure was all mine.

What a great bunch of folks.

Nice to be associated with you.

I learned a ton this trip. It was well worth the trip. Even though I had to have a trailer come from Idaho Falls and haul my rig back. Pretty much distroyed a really nice 4.7L engine..:rolleyes:

The ride back was impressive. A duramax pulling about 8 ton of heavy duty trailer and Dodge Durangd @ 80 MPH was to say the least impressive. Round trip was $300 for fuel. Still impressive, even though.

The Broz Towsend B&B was exceptional, to say the least.:cool:lightbulbgun)


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What happened? I know your vehicle smell started when we painted the little pig but I wouldn't think that hill would have caused the problem.
What happened? I know your vehicle smell started when we painted the little pig but I wouldn't think that hill would have caused the problem.

The smell, as it turned out, was when the belt tightener idler pulley froze up for a bit.

It froze up again, I guess, as I exited town. Things went downhill from there.

I'm figgerin' two warped heads + some stuff.:rolleyes:

Jeff bailed me out in fine style. Turns out he's an old time top notch drag racer. He diagnosed at least one gone cylinder and a few push rod problems.

It's in the shop as I type. We'll see what the Dr. says. :D
Turns out the 2000 4.7 L engine trashes itself any time the water pump or belt goes south. Lucky for some folks that 2000 was the only year that engine was made.

Think I'll get myself a pickup.:rolleyes:
Next shoot in Townsend is coming up a week from today (June 15th) I look forward to good Montana weather, a good attendance and lots of targets that need worked over. I will get there about 8:00 ~ 8:30 am to set up and paint targets. We should be shooting by 9:30 am.

I plan to have a Magneto Speed there to test along with my Oehler 35 so if you are wondering about these chrono's this will be a good time to see them in action.

Also might have one of the Bulls eye Target cameras there to test as well if I get it in time.

So, who all is planning to come?

I will be there, looking forward to meeting some other long range shooters and seeing how those chronographs compare.
I'm a bit iffy on this one. Last one set me back a bit:D:D

Replaced the trashed Durango with a year newer Silverado. Kind of like Jeff's. :) And nearly as many miles. . .
I'm a bit iffy on this one. Last one set me back a bit:D:D

Replaced the trashed Durango with a year newer Silverado. Kind of like Jeff's. :) And nearly as many miles. . .

Hope you can make it Roy, going to be some guys coming from a ways away too.

My old Silverado 1500 rolled 200K a while back. I gave her a little attention last week. New oil and filter along with greasing the front end and pulled a very dirty K&N air filter and gave it a proper cleaning. Then took Diane to Virginia City on Saturday and made a loop through Bozeman. Checked the mileage and the ole girl got 20.3. Not bad for a full size 4x4 with 200 K +. Gotta love that 5.3 in these trucks. This is the 3rd one I have taken over 200K and still running strong.

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