2013 Long Range Shoots In Townsend Montana


I'll opt to camp at that little spot by lake/river or whatever.

Want to try some new equipment. :)

I'll bring that pecker-wood 375 and let some of the guys drive it. Even bng's daughter. Need to get some interest going on the really big cartridges.:D:D

I'll be there on the 4th.

Hopefully I'll be spending the rest of the summer scouting. Hope to get a moose permit. Yeah, right!!!???:rolleyes:

Also need to workout details/procedures on the packing with goats thing. Nothing like spending time in the hills w/goats.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
What shoot are you going to be at Roy? Still trying to talk my Dad into taking me.:rolleyes: want to try out my 284 win and 338 Lapua on Jeff's home turf and learn some things from you guys, especially on form and follow through, i think thats my week spot. gun)

What shoot are you going to be at Roy? Still trying to talk my Dad into taking me.:rolleyes: want to try out my 284 win and 338 Lapua on Jeff's home turf and learn some things from you guys, especially on form and follow through, i think thats my week spot. gun)



April 4. That will be about 4 days after all physical restrictions are lifted by the medical folks. Won't be luggin' around any buckets of concrete but I'll get along..:)

Make it then and see if you are "man" enough to drive a 375 AM.

May have to fill your pockets with dirt to weigh you down a bit. :D:D
I am only seeing an April 20th, guessing that one then? As for shooting your 375 AM, i think i may send one or two down range, i might need to move the gun forward a couple feet after each shot though. :D gun)
**** that sounds like a good time...... I would love to make it and meet up with ya'all but I just cant swing it this year. We have another surgery to go on our son so we are out three trips to Salt Lake.

I have learned a ton from you guys and hope to make it perhaps next year. Till then have fun guys.

Roy hope all is well and your recovery is going smooth. How far is Townsend from here anyway.....

Edit..........just looked at google maps, 4 hrs....... Now I really wish I could make it. Have fun guys.
Yeah I was wondering bout that too. Glad you won't be showing up early.

Me and Broz have been known to show up a day late for gun rally in Helena :rolleyes:

:rolleyes::rolleyes: I was on a pretty heavy drug dose when I posted that.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'm clean now. :D

Restocked one of my Kirby creations and shot a 0.440 MOA 200 yd group this afternoon while zeroing. Now I'm afraid to shoot the sucker in case that group is a fluke. :rolleyes:
Me and Broz have been known to show up a day late for gun rally in Helena :rolleyes:

:D That we did, still don't understand why they had a rally on Friday...:rolleyes:

IdahoRedneck, I wish you all the luck and Gods Blessings with your sons surgeries. If you decide you can make the trip let me know if we can help in any way, it would be great to meet you.

:D That we did, still don't understand why they had a rally on Friday...:rolleyes:

IdahoRedneck, I wish you all the luck and Gods Blessings with your sons surgeries. If you decide you can make the trip let me know if we can help in any way, it would be great to meet you.


Thanks for the well wishes Broz, we'll see how things go with my boy, and if I can swing it ill try to make at least one of em.:)
Thanks for the well wishes Broz, we'll see how things go with my boy, and if I can swing it ill try to make at least one of em.:)

Dan prayer's goin out for your family. Utah medical services have allowed me to postpone death at least 3 times in the last 2 years. I doubt that I used up all of their resources.

Remember I'm always available for a LR experience. I have a mile setup in that same canyon. Plus my back yard is good for 1172.
Dan prayer's goin out for your family. Utah medical services have allowed me to postpone death at least 3 times in the last 2 years. I doubt that I used up all of their resources.

Remember I'm always available for a LR experience. I have a mile setup in that same canyon. Plus my back yard is good for 1172.

Thanks Roy, for the prayers. Ive been following your endevors and have sent many your way. That kidney thread blew my head clean off. Glad things are goin smooth for ya and your feelin better.

Utah docs are the best.....we're just hopin this time will be the last so he can be done with docs, and just be a kid......Its pretty bad when ya go to a consult, and your 2 year old grabs the stethoscope and puts it on his chest:D. He shouldnt know that.......hes two.

Ive got your number and was just waitin for the snow to burn off and dry out a little bit up there and then you can bet ill call ya. Bought a Kestrel and would like 2 Double check its readings against your leica just to make sure its calibrated correctly for this high country. Ya never know when ya buy used:rolleyes:. Also my notes were terrible that day, due to pure excitement..........some how I ended up half a MOA off from shooter to what I shot. And the 26 mph wind didnt help, my numbers aint jivin now for some reason, there not Minute of coyote anyway, so some work is in ordergun):)

Wow, anyway sorry for the hijack Broz, and hopefully I can make at least one shoot:)
I'd like to make one of these shoots. Probably one of the first two. Who knows, maybe both! I could use a lot of instruction with my 338 edge. Hopefully I'll have my 243 sorted out by then! I only a couple hours from Townsend and would love to meet ya'll!
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