2013 Long Range Shoots In Townsend Montana

I'd like to make one of these shoots. Probably one of the first two. Who knows, maybe both! I could use a lot of instruction with my 338 edge. Hopefully I'll have my 243 sorted out by then! I only a couple hours from Townsend and would love to meet ya'll!

Not a bad drive from Choteau at all. I bought a horse up there last summer. Would be great to meet ya.

Not a bad drive from Choteau at all. I bought a horse up there last summer. Would be great to meet ya.

No its not bad. we were just in Helena laS weekend visiting some friends. I enjoy the drive. Lots of animals to look at. I think I heard my pawpaw saying that he might be selling some of his horses soon if ya need more! Not sure which ones but he has some good riding horses that have spent time in the back country. I put the shoot dates on my calendar and I'm going to try and make a plan!

I will try to make the April shoot if work allows. Hope you don't mind if a few more tag along with me.
Guys, I am sorry to report I am going to miss the first shoot on April 20th. But I have made arrangements for another Range Safety Office to take my place. So the shoot will go on!!! The RSO will be Scott McDonald. Scott is a great guy and a retired law enforcement officer. We have talked about the shoot and what goes on. If some of you guys that have been there before wouldn't mind please give him a hand and let him know what we usually do.

I will go up before hand and paint targets and make sure everything is ready to go. I also plan to do a little work with a skid loader and clear some brush, as well as set out some new rocks at various distances. How about a few larger rocks on the face at of the 1000 yard berm?

I wish I could be there but I just learned that we will be branding calves that day. So at least I will get some saddle time on ole Hank.

Have fun and I will see you all, at the June shoot.

Ok long range shooters! I just got home from the range and gave all targets a tune up. All targets are up and ready with a fresh coat of paint. You will also notice some new targets since your last visit. Now, along with the steel gongs at 200, 300, 400 and 500 meters, there are swinging animal silhouette targets. A chicken, pig, turkey, and ram. Then we have the small steel gong at 600 yards, just past that to the right the diminishing rocks with a fresh coat of paint, another rock up past the 600 yard gong, another gong at somewhere near 750, a large rock on a wire spool past that painted with a white patch, then the gong at 850ish, and today I set up 4 rocks and painted them white on the face of the 1000 berm. Two have orange dots for an aim point. These should be great for sighting in for the 1000 yard gong.

Scott McDonald will be the range officer there Saturday. Please give him a hand if he needs any help.

Have a great shoot, and be safe!!

See you all at the June 15th shoot.

Jeff gun)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks Scott and Broz for setting and working the range. As always shooting with experienced folks is a pleasure and not possible without the work of those making it happen. And as usual with MT we were able to play with the wind, lots of wind with some quick changes. I would love to make the other shoots and bring some of my favorite guns but unfortunately for the next several months my weekend schedule is full. If events change I will be there.

Thanks again.
:D:D, Ha ha!! He will never get out from under me again...:D:rolleyes:


Jeff, Is that whatcha call a self fulfilling prophecy? :)

Thanks very much for everything you did. I was in a bit of a bind. BDG hauled my rig home in fine style. . .


Which one were you? I'm horrible @ remembering names. I have faces down pretty good. :)
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