Most Underrated Cartridge

For 26 cal, my favorites are 6.5x47L(for 130s) and 260AI(for 140s), and I don't like any of the others(under/over powered)..
Both thanks to Lapua brass.
Remington, what they do, really doesn't matter..
With all the awesome aftermarket companies making brass now, you're right, but at the time, when Remington was about the only company making proprietary brass for their .260 Rem cartridge, and they nearly stopped support completely, and stopped producing rifles in the chambering, they almost single-handedly killed-off their own cartridge.
280 Rem in my opinion and most misunderstood and under used would be 264WM but I'm old school and love the these old once faded cartridges as I do the 7STW. Lots of new hopped up calibers to chose from but really they don't do anything the good old foundation cartridges can do by any great stretch.
I prefer the .260 Rem/.260 AI over the Creedmoor. The Creedmoor has become a bit of a trendy cartridge, and I'm not all about that. Which is why I refuse to own one.

Lol first time I've ever been accused of being 'trendy'. Lol. I have a 6.5 creedmoor, it's my favourite gun to shoot at the moment.
But ur right, Remington killed their own cartridge. Now they're even chambering milspec rifles in creedmoors, so the 260 is a definite fit for this thread!
Lol first time I've ever been accused of being 'trendy'. Lol. I have a 6.5 creedmoor, it's my favourite gun to shoot at the moment.
But ur right, Remington killed their own cartridge. Now they're even chambering milspec rifles in creedmoors, so the 260 is a definite fit for this thread!

At this point i honestly don't care What people say about it. I like it so that's all that matters. It currently makes more sense to go with a creed over the 260. More brass options for the creed and rifles. I saw on Remingtons website they dropped the 260 in the 5r gen 2 and replaced it with the creedmoor.
The .260 Remington is also quite underrated because it almost went extinct thanks to Remington almost completely dropping support for it. It left a void, and unfortunately the 6.5 Creedmoor filled it, where the .260 Rem should have been all along.

I prefer the .260 Rem/.260 AI over the Creedmoor. The Creedmoor has become a bit of a trendy cartridge, and I'm not all about that. Which is why I refuse to own one.
Hey MudRunner, ah, you like that 260 Rem. because it says Remington. Naw, just kidding. You're right the 260 would have been where the 6.5 CM is if Remington gave it more push. I like the 260 Rem. it's a **** good deer cartridge.
I feel the 6.5X47 doesn't get the recognition it deserves. Always seems that the 260 or Creed are mentioned and the 6.5X47 gets left out.
I believe I know why the 6.5x47L lags compared to the 260 or 6.5 Creedmoor. The 260 has been around a log time. Shoots very well. The Creed is the new guy but every rifle I've met in it really shoots it well. The 6.5x47L lacks capacity and just runs slower than the other two. The specs say not but real life says slower. All these are being used to play long range games and long range hunting. With the "handicap" of capacity in the 6.5x47L and availability of Lapua brass for the others the 6.5x47L looses.

BTW: IMO the 6-6.5x47L is sweeter than a 243.
With all the awesome aftermarket companies making brass now, you're right, but at the time, when Remington was about the only company making proprietary brass for their .260 Rem cartridge, and they nearly stopped support completely, and stopped producing rifles in the chambering, they almost single-handedly killed-off their own cartridge.
Winchester and Remington have done that plenty of times.
Under rated for what purpose?

Hunting- 8x57 Mauser. I hunted with one for two years. Killed 5 deer; 4 bang-flops, 1 ran 20 yards. Only reason I'm not hunting with it still is I lent the rifle to my brother and haven't been able to get it back!

Long range target/competition- 243 Win. If you build a rifle with 8" twist or faster and handload the high BC bullets you've got a rifle that could shoot inside (both elevation and wind) of the 6.5 Creedmoor.
Under rated for what purpose?

Hunting- 8x57 Mauser. I hunted with one for two years. Killed 5 deer; 4 bang-flops, 1 ran 20 yards. Only reason I'm not hunting with it still is I lent the rifle to my brother and haven't been able to get it back!

Long range target/competition- 243 Win. If you build a rifle with 8" twist or faster and handload the high BC bullets you've got a rifle that could shoot inside (both elevation and wind) of the 6.5 Creedmoor.

I have to agree with the .243. I know it is far more mainstream than most of the ones mentioned on this thread, but I think a lot of guys pass it up because of its reputation as a youth or women's chambering. My first center-fire rifle was a .243. The only reason I have others is desire, not need. I already had a .22lr and a 12ga. There isn't a critter in my state that cant be taken ethically with that modest 3 firearms arsenal.
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