Most Underrated Cartridge

The 7mm Express/7mm-06/280 Remington is a good one that has been cast by the way-side, as well. At least it's brother, the .280 Ackley Improved, lives on in great popularity, thanks to the reboot from Nosler & SAAMI a few years back. :thumb
.300 Savage. Still a great deer cartridge in the 99 Savage lever gun.
It was the basis for the development of the .308 Winchester.

Eric B.

Now there's a cartridge I had nearly completely forgotten about. There's nothing wrong with the 300 Savage. And the 99 is as fine of a lever gun as you'll ever use.

This is a little off track, I guess, since it's not a true deer rifle and certainly not an option for larger game. But how about the .222 Remington? It's been so overshadowed by the .223 that if you mention it to a lot of people (particularly the AR crowd) you get corrected because they think you meant .223. But the .222 is a handloader-friendly, affordable cartridge for which a lot of highly accurate rifles were built. You can shoot it all day with zero recoil issues and when you do get a crack at a coyote it is effective. For someone who likes to carry a rifle around the farm or ranch to have ready for varmints and sneak in some practice time here and there a well built bolt action .222 is hard to beat.
340 weatherby. ...60+ year old hammer. My factory MKV spits 250 SMKs right at 3000fps. It's the friggin' kiss of death to anything moving and gets no (ok very little) love anymore. Some of the older guys see it as formidable, most folks 50 and younger look at you like you made a mistake telling them what you shoot. Factory ammo is like unicorn turds since the lapua gained notoriety and was like $120/box before. Shooter tells me my load has nearly 1000ftlb energy at 1350 yds!
Most underrated to me is the 6.5x55 Swede. In a modern action it has surprising performance. The old cip pressure rating of 45,000 cup has it castrated.
Most over rated is the 17 hmr.
I have to agree with you Mr predator 22, the swede is so underrated everyone talks to high about the Creedmoor and I believe the swede smokes it
6.5x55 Swede. I have two of these rifles, one is a custom rifle I built with a Shillen barrel and the other is a Tikka. Both are deadly, accurate, no recoil, and a pleasure to shoot.
First, there is no "right" answer. For me, an avid handloader, my vote for most under appreciated is the 280AI and 25 06. Terminal performance/ballistics and bullet/case/powder choices are very good. Many great answers but these are pretty good choices.
I know there are multi millions of 30/06 out there but the hyp on them on this forum and many other forums is petty small since there are 200+ cartrages out there that fill its gap.

The 6.5x300 and every thing above it smokes the doors off of it.
The power house units send more "Pack" down range.

The 6.5 Creedmoor and stuff in their category grab sales from the bottom end.

The only time someone post a thread relating to a new shooter getting into the sport the threads fill up with replies for him or her to choose a 7mm/08 or 308 winchester,,, and the 6.5 Creedmoor.

The old work horse is kinda lost in the middle of nothing.
You never hear of hardly anyone mentioning for them to buy a 30/06 and let the gals or kids shoot reduced factory 125gr loads for target practic or for deer size game.

They served in the military and NATO for 60+ years, but the 30/06 is out of the National match FTR since the only 2 allowed in that class is the 223 and 308,,, even though the 30/06 is 150 ish ft-per second faster than the 308 in the heavier boolitz.

Someone posts they are going after Grizzly Bears,,, not one person would ever mention for them to choose a 220gr round nose and go flatten a bear in his tracks,,, yet the Odd-6 has been on more battle fields then any other cartrage to date.
1906 to the last service detour ending in 1975 Vietnam and its final official ending in the 1990/91 Gulf War.

85 years of service.

The 30/06 got a bad rap as a civilian rifle after WW II since there were only a few bullets to choose from back then,,, lots of wounded critters across the Americas, so other cartrages took advantages of this,,, Roy Weatherby brought out Hyper Shock ammo, and the Winchester 270 with its well suited 130gr bullet filled this gap,,, lucky thing that the bullet manufactures steep up the game plan on better quality 30 caliber bullets that benefited the harvest kill rates of this old cartrage.

So is the 30/06 under rated for what it, yes there are lots of them out there, every store has ammo for them,,, but have they become Bland and lost in the middle of no where.

Perhaps this old school cartrage needs a good writer to spark the interest, maybe a up-dated story of things to come.

The 30/06 is kinda like the little engine that could,,, to much recoil at times,,, not enough take down at range to far.

Being in the middle is tuff.

Purhaps the Odd-6 is the sleeping giant waiting to rise in the yesrs to come.

Pal Don from Western Canada as I try to push my 30/06 to the capabilities it deserves.
Hey Don Inuse an 06 for deer. I load a 150 grain TTSX at about 2970 FPS. It's stopped deer out to 480 yards so far. Mine is just a factory Browning but it came with a 26 inch barrel. Shoots just under MOA. I love that thing. From what I have witnessed while shooting deer with it Inwouldnt shy away from shooting an elk under 500 yards with it either. Good plug for the old work horse rifle. Glad to hear somebody else likes it as well.
10 years ago I would have said anything 6.5mm. Now not so much. My daughter hunts with a 7-30 Waters. It does well but the rifle she uses has a 20"bbl. Wish someone appreciated that caliber enough to still make an affordable rifle with enough barrel to squeeze all of the performance out of it. Ken Waters intended (I believe) that it should be a 24"bbl. I know that out of my 14" Contender it doesn't inspire the confidence of my 7-08. Also 7x57. My cousin has killed enough deer with that, dragging them would give a hernia to a bulldozer.
I have not been here in a while so I thought I would re-introduce myself... I have 2 of the .257" class (257 Roberts & 25-06) both are white tail and muley killing machines with 90 or 100 grain slugs. I have no complaints about either of them. I own several 270's that I love. for some reason I do not own a 30-06 (certainly not under utilized). I believe that the second most under rated cartridge I own is my Ruger #3 in 22 Hornet. with a 35 grain ballistic tip it takes coyotes just as good as my 22-250. that is without blowing out the off side with a huge hole. I also own something that I have often been asked about.. my 1894 Winchester chambered in 32 Win Special. I love the gun but can not get anything but 170 grain class slugs and those are limited to laser cast, some NOS Speer, NOS Hornady, and NOS Winchester slugs when I can find them in out of the way places that have them sitting on a shelf with a 100 years of dust on them. I mostly am relegated to Laser Cast gas checked slugs. I also am thinking my handed down 264 Winchester bolt gun is one of the under rated cartridges of all time.
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