Most Underrated Cartridge

Most underrated to me is the 6.5x55 Swede. In a modern action it has surprising performance. The old cip pressure rating of 45,000 cup has it castrated.
Most over rated is the 17 hmr.
I've had and will build another 280 Remington. It was one of favorite to shoot and a bang flop every time. Then my newest build. 264 Winchester Magnum. I've always had a fascination with the caliber. A friend had one when I was a kid. The guy doing the smith work talked me out of one almost 20 years ago in favor of the 7mmRM.

I must admit the 6.5 crazy brought it back into my thought process recently.

The 264wm has some very tame recoil for a mag too. During break in last weekend I shot it 30 times with out the slightest issue.

I know you only ask for 2 but I do agree the 6.5x55 is quite over looked...built one on a M48 mauser action earlier this year...been a safe queen since...
I'm with @BigGrizz on the 257 Roberts. However, I pulled the trigger. Made one from a Springfield Trap Door. You read right. I shoot a Springfield Trap Door in 257 Roberts. In black powder terms it's a 25-40. Of course it never existed.

The 284 is another that died from the commercial world. Introduced with the Winchester Model 88 in 1963. I have a M88 in 284. It shoots very well. I have an as yet F-Open rifle.

There are many many more deprecated or obscure factory offerings that never rose to popularity. IMO these two are the most deserving because they perform very well but failed in the market anyway.
The 284. I win have hunted with a 284 win for over 30 yrs. Killed many elk, coues wt, javelina, jackrabbits and coyotes. 120 gr bullets at 3250 to 168 gr bullets @ 2800 with 24" barrel is easy. Now that Norma makes brass for availability is no longer an issue.

Another underrated one is the 6mm-284. 95 gr berger classic hunter @ 3450 to 55 gr nos bt @ 4100 from a 24" barrel it is one of the fastest 6mms. 6.5-284 lapua brass is easily necked down to make this cartridge.
Hey Rich Coyle,

There is nothing wrong with the 270 win. Caliber wise it is slightly larger than the 6.5mm and slightly smaller than the 7mm. Both of which are killing elk all the time. Only problem with the 270 is most rifles have slow twist in them making them good for lighter bullets. Falls in the same pit with the 25's and 8mm. You have to remember that most all of the factory chamberings were sold as fast and flat to 300y long before there were range finders. I have quite a few guys out taking elk with the 270win using our 117g Hammer Hunter. At over 3300fps that bullet makes the 270win good to go out to 500y for elk.

As for underrated I would say around this place the 30-06 doesn't get much love. Seems to get passed up for 308win or 300wm. I think the 06 is the best all around but have to admit that I continually pass it up for something sexier. I keep saying my next personal rifle build will be the 06. My latest plan for a light carry rifle has evolved from 30-06 to 300 Sherman. Can't help it.

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