Most Underrated Cartridge

Only 2.... It's been a little tough for me to narrow it down. But we have to chose what we believe are the MOST underrated...

.264 Win Mag & 8mm Rem Mag. Neither get the deserved respect IMHO.

I feel the 6.5X47 doesn't get the recognition it deserves. Always seems that the 260 or Creed are mentioned and the 6.5X47 gets left out.
I've never owned or shot a 340 wby, but with range finders and muzzle brakes always thought this cartridge was ahead of its time and could offer some excellent performance for a lr shooter. Good suggestion!
284 win I think is the one of the all around best cartridge that never caught on. F class shooters have shown the usefulness of it. Built on the right platform and loaded with a good 160+ class bullet it is an excellent short, medium, and long range hunting rifle
8mm mag and the 250 savage. For a wife or child the 250 is an awesome little round. Improved in a short bolt gun makes a handy carry rifle.
8mm has everything but bullets. The 220 serria is good but a 240-265 match bullet around .65 or more G1 would prove to be a great elk slayer
.....Someone posts they are going after Grizzly Bears,,, not one person would ever mention for them to choose a 220gr round nose and go flatten a bear in his tracks..........

I got my start with a 30-06, and 220 grain Core-Locts, and could return to my roots readily. Especially I don't think many know how effective at close ranges these bullets are.
I don't see where the 30/06 doesn't get it's rightful due here but maybe I'm missing something. Look back through the posts on the 30/06 and I think you'll see it's not underrated or under reviewed. I've hunted and guided with the 30/06 for many years and it has never failed, one of the best cartridges ever developed.
I don't know about under rated perhaps for my choice its unrated or totally ignored. My favorite underdog cartridge is the 22 Cooper.
When Kimber of Oregon went under and some of the employees bought the equipment and moved to Stevensville Montana they started a new company under the leadership of the then president of the company Dan Cooper. They were new in the game and looking to make their mark in the industry.
There was a clamor at the time by gun writers for a cartridge that could deliver 22 mag performance but in a reloadable center fire to keep the cost of ammo down. Cooper arms stepped up to the plate with the fine little model 38 in the re- incarnation of the 22 Maynard extra long and the 22 Velodog cartridges but in a modern souped up version that could propel a 55gn cast bullet to 2000 fps.
The idea was sound but it practice it failed. The reason it failed was because the original brass then being made by Red Willow Armory also of Stevensville at the time was being lathe turned and was brittle. The RWA brass was cracking on the first shot so there was no savings, in fact the 22 CCM ammo cost twice as much as 22 mag ammo and since the brass was cracking on the first shot and couldn't be reloaded it was a loosing proposition. The whole idea died a sudden death and never has anyone other than your truly tried to revive it. Too bad because with the brass now available from Schroeder Bullet works of Sandi ago Cal. the idea has come to fruition. I have re loaded some of the Schroeder brass 100 times and is still in service. I just re anneal after every few shots and that seems to keep the brass in service indefinitely.
My max loads use 7gn of powder for 1000 shots per pound and my lightest load uses .7gn powder for 10,000 shots per pound of powder. Now with good brass available the 22 Cooper is everything it was supposed to be but its time has come and gone and I doubt it will ever be anything but a failed attempt.
As in rated for what? Could you qualify the question?
Hunting? Bear, Elk, Deer, Varmint, Fowl?
BR this or that format?

Any cartridge that offers one or many things to a shooter but for whatever reason(example:marketing, ammo options, price point, whatever) that never caught on or got it's due as a great round that had something to offer shooters. There's no particular category. Can be anything but since this is a hunting forum I expected hunting rounds to be popular choices for underrated cartridges.
284 win I think is the one of the all around best cartridge that never caught on. F class shooters have shown the usefulness of it. Built on the right platform and loaded with a good 160+ class bullet it is an excellent short, medium, and long range hunting rifle

You can blame Winchester and in fact for almost every great could have been you can blame the manf for the gun they tried to shoe horn it into to. You would think EVENTUALLY after what 50 yrs of doing the same thing they would have learned to put a cartidge in a gun that can shoot the readily avaible heavier longer bullets that just about EVERYONE wants to shoot and a twist rated barrel to spin them fast enough. But no we end up with 284 and WSM etc in short mags etc on and on.
The .260 Remington is also quite underrated because it almost went extinct thanks to Remington almost completely dropping support for it. It left a void, and unfortunately the 6.5 Creedmoor filled it, where the .260 Rem should have been all along.

I prefer the .260 Rem/.260 AI over the Creedmoor. The Creedmoor has become a bit of a trendy cartridge, and I'm not all about that. Which is why I refuse to own one.
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