Most Underrated Cartridge

....The 7mm rem mag is not exactly loved to death by most on this site...if it's not the fastest, biggest, barest for caliber guys, they refuse to give it it's due...

It was so overhyped/marketed in the beginning, I'm just getting over it. The new bullets have me re-thinking it. Some of the bigger faster numbers, coupled with readily available chronographs, getting some of what was initially advertised, would make it a tough sell, as you pointed out.

Definitely deserves a second look.
Nice to see the 250-3000 getting some love. I have one in a 99. Looked for a peep sight for it for years...gave up now, not too many 99's or parts floating around shows these days.

The quarter bores are definitely out of favour, sadly. I emailed hornady requesting a heavy 257 eldx for my wby. Would love to see a high bc bullet to put them back on the map.
Been thinking of 264 win mag since already huge stock 7mm rem mag brass. Debating on 1:7 or 1:8 twist. Wait see if hornady or sierra comes out with 6.5 > 147g bc
The 7mm rem mag is not exactly loved to death by most on this site...if it's not the fastest, biggest, barest for caliber guys, they refuse to give it it's due...
You will never hear that from me! I've been shooting that cartridge as my main deer cartridge for over 15 years now. Don't see any reason to stop either. It's fast, flat, and knocks them down like a Mac truck.
I know there are multi millions of 30/06 out there but the hyp on them on this forum and many other forums is petty small since there are 200+ cartrages out there that fill its gap.

The 6.5x300 and every thing above it smokes the doors off of it.
The power house units send more "Pack" down range.

The 6.5 Creedmoor and stuff in their category grab sales from the bottom end.

The only time someone post a thread relating to a new shooter getting into the sport the threads fill up with replies for him or her to choose a 7mm/08 or 308 winchester,,, and the 6.5 Creedmoor.

The old work horse is kinda lost in the middle of nothing.
You never hear of hardly anyone mentioning for them to buy a 30/06 and let the gals or kids shoot reduced factory 125gr loads for target practic or for deer size game.

They served in the military and NATO for 60+ years, but the 30/06 is out of the National match FTR since the only 2 allowed in that class is the 223 and 308,,, even though the 30/06 is 150 ish ft-per second faster than the 308 in the heavier boolitz.

Someone posts they are going after Grizzly Bears,,, not one person would ever mention for them to choose a 220gr round nose and go flatten a bear in his tracks,,, yet the Odd-6 has been on more battle fields then any other cartrage to date.
1906 to the last service detour ending in 1975 Vietnam and its final official ending in the 1990/91 Gulf War.

85 years of service.

The 30/06 got a bad rap as a civilian rifle after WW II since there were only a few bullets to choose from back then,,, lots of wounded critters across the Americas, so other cartrages took advantages of this,,, Roy Weatherby brought out Hyper Shock ammo, and the Winchester 270 with its well suited 130gr bullet filled this gap,,, lucky thing that the bullet manufactures steep up the game plan on better quality 30 caliber bullets that benefited the harvest kill rates of this old cartrage.

So is the 30/06 under rated for what it, yes there are lots of them out there, every store has ammo for them,,, but have they become Bland and lost in the middle of no where.

Perhaps this old school cartrage needs a good writer to spark the interest, maybe a up-dated story of things to come.

The 30/06 is kinda like the little engine that could,,, to much recoil at times,,, not enough take down at range to far.

Being in the middle is tuff.

Purhaps the Odd-6 is the sleeping giant waiting to rise in the yesrs to come.

Pal Don from Western Canada as I try to push my 30/06 to the capabilities it deserves.
250 Savage and 250 Savage Ack. Imp.
The little Savage is like the little train that can, The 250 ack. Imp can almost meets the Roberts. But it has been over shadowed but 6MM , but it shoot a 120 grain bullet and the 6mm's cannot. I was lucky to buy one the Remington 700 classic in the 250 Sav and now it is a 250 Ack.
morning, I believe the 8mm mag. and the 340wbee r very underrated
cartridges. these r 2 powerhouses that desire the upmost respect. I am
a 340wbee fan. a rifle setup in this caliber can take any game animals
on several contintants. (sp). iam going to take hits, but the boys
r backing each other. we do not matter.

Well then, Steve, I need to know what the B.C. is of your 117 grainer. What is its designed weight retention?
I need to update our website. The 117g Hammer Hunter is running with .19 g7 or .383 g1. It is a 70% retention bullet. We had a customer take a 330" bull in the Missouri Breaks last year at 570y with this bullet from his 270wsm.

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