Longest Big Game Kill With Rifle

In the last 12 months, what was your longest rifle kill on big game?

  • 0 to 200 yards

    Votes: 1,160 26.4%
  • 201 to 400 yards

    Votes: 1,438 32.7%
  • 401 to 600 yards

    Votes: 1,021 23.2%
  • 601 to 800 yards

    Votes: 460 10.5%
  • 801 to 1,000 yards

    Votes: 168 3.8%
  • Over 1,000 yards

    Votes: 153 3.5%

  • Total voters
Big horn sheep 689 yards 300wm 165 btsp 3000fpc

Cow elk 337 yards 358 win hand gun 180 sp hand gun bullet 2300 fpc

Antelope 377 yards 358 win hand gun 180 sp hand gun bullet 2300 fpc

12 inch gong 500 yards 358 win hand gun 180 sp hand gun bullet 2300 fpc
but it took me 3 times to hit it then 4 in a row.
4x5 muley jumped out nearly under my feet last fall. Finally squeezed off at 70
yds. My only shot on a mammal all last season. Not the biggest buck taken in the neighborhood last year, but the biggest in my group.
Wow! You guys shooting big game at 800 plus yards ought to be commended for your long range accuracy! However, how much bullet energy is at point of impact? What about the rule of thumb of 1000 foot pounds for deer and 1500 foot pounds for elk? At at 1000 yards plus, what cartridges are giving what energies?


More than likely higher than a 357 Mag at the muzzle.....
At the risk of sounding condescending, (since this is after all, a long range hunting website) I would say the energies involved were adequate to incapacitate and kill, regardless of predisposed theories regarding such.
Anyone sending a "hail mary" at a live animal has no busniss calling himself an ethical hunter. Too many variable past the 800 yard mark to shoot at live game. Target shooting okay no problem. No one will admit it, but virtually everyone I know that is a "long range hunter" has wounded and lost game becuase of a miscalculation of wind drift, lack of penetration after loss of energy, etc.

"Good hunters get close, lasy huntes get high power scopes..."
Anyone sending a "hail mary" at a live animal has no busniss calling himself an ethical hunter. Too many variable past the 800 yard mark to shoot at live game. Target shooting okay no problem. No one will admit it, but virtually everyone I know that is a "long range hunter" has wounded and lost game becuase of a miscalculation of wind drift, lack of penetration after loss of energy, etc.

"Good hunters get close, lasy huntes get high power scopes..."

Never ceases to amaze me, how many tree huggin liberal PETA members own a gun. I think it is just so they can impose their own BS on sites like this. Why is it they feel they must "correct our morals and beliefs" ?
Now listen up boy's, stop hunting and lay down your arms. Resistance is futile, you will comply and be assimilated.
I personally have repented for every crow I shot under 200yd. Not fair chase you know. gun)
The original post was asking good hunters and shooters what their longest KILL was, not wound. I am confident his intent was not to start a conversation about ethics or any other political crap. I did not start it, cpa0730jim did. It is annoying when people rob a thread to push their agenda and make other people look like cruel, thoughtless people with lower ethics than themselves. That is why I rarely post here and when I do visit to look at another fella's gun pic or see who is bragging about a phenomenal shot, I always stumble on some jerk with a mission to set everybody straight. Wake up.
See ya in a few months.gun)
Geez Gunner52, CPA has a point. No one is posting how many animals they have lost. I've hunted for 40 years and many times I've heard over 100 shots fired on opening day, only to find out less than ten deer would have been tagged. You've probably heard hunters comment before about it sounding like a war. One of these days when only 24 caliber single shots are legal it will force us all to become better hunters and shooters. In the meantime let's try not to insult our fellow hunters by calling them silly pets members. I took up archery hunting for elk a couple years ago and it is a much bigger rush shooting an elk at 15 yards than a deer at 600 yards in my opinion.?

I dont believe CPA has a point at all, his comments are a reflection of HIS hunting style that he wants to impose on everyone else. Using today's technology, a commitment to developing the necessary skills, and sufficient practice, an 800+ shot is no more difficult than a 400 yard shot was 30-40 years ago. My experience had been that most people that criticize long range hunting lack one or more of the above components; or the desire to even try it. Bringing up wounded game is a smokescreen!
Keep your ethical/nonethical comments to yourself EVERYONE. There are enough round heads trying to push their agenda's on us. If you have a problem talk to HR at your work I'm sure they could help.
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