Longest Big Game Kill With Rifle

In the last 12 months, what was your longest rifle kill on big game?

  • 0 to 200 yards

    Votes: 1,160 26.4%
  • 201 to 400 yards

    Votes: 1,438 32.7%
  • 401 to 600 yards

    Votes: 1,021 23.2%
  • 601 to 800 yards

    Votes: 460 10.5%
  • 801 to 1,000 yards

    Votes: 168 3.8%
  • Over 1,000 yards

    Votes: 153 3.5%

  • Total voters
400lb. black bear - 340 accumark 87.5 gr 7828 250 gr. accubond. Shot him straight through his chest, bullet went straight down body( he was comming up hill )his front legs folded under him landed on his chin, rolled down hill 20-30 feet. (these guy are extremly strong) could believe my eyes. He stopped rolling stood up on all fours again for about 3 seconds wobbling around and then dropped. Thats like 3500-4000 ft lbs of engery incredible strenght. Don't under estimate a bear
400lb. black bear - 340 accumark 87.5 gr 7828 250 gr. accubond. Shot him straight through his chest, bullet went straight down body( he was comming up hill )his front legs folded under him landed on his chin, rolled down hill 20-30 feet. (these guy are extremly strong) could believe my eyes. He stopped rolling stood up on all fours again for about 3 seconds wobbling around and then dropped. Thats like 3500-4000 ft lbs of engery incredible strenght. Don't under estimate a bear

I like bear meat when prepared right. Muskrat too.
538 yds, Whitetail, 6.5x284, 130 gr. Berger VLD. Lung shot went about 30 yds. Bullet did very well, moderate expansion, passed through.
-in last 12 months was an 8 point whitetail. 267 yds. Not a long shot by any means, but it was done with a stock .50 cal Savage Muzzleloader 43.5g IMR-4759, 250g Hornady .45 cal SST
All the practicing paid off in late October when I killed my first bull elk. 333 yards with a 7 mph crosswind. One shot placed perfectly in the center of the heart. 300 Rem SAUM 180 grain Nosler Accubond, 61.0 grains IMR 4350.


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Made two personal bests in one shot this year (2011) on utah's general rifle deer hunt. Killed a 237 gross green score muley (35 wide, 10 X 11) at 940 yards with my full custom 7 mm rem mag. 168 grain berger over 75.6 grains of retubo doing 3190 fps at the muzzle. Gun is a Bat HR repeater with a 28 inch kreiger barrel reamed with a 311 neck, mcmillin A3 stock, surgeon bottom metal, shilen trigger and huskemaw scope.
Calf Moose - 1yrd. ROAD Collision on HWY with Truck Damage of $6000.
unfortunately my truck was rideoff and the moose end up on my freezer


724 yrd Mulley Buck - Neck Shoot
675yrd - White Tail - Neck Shot
520 yrds - Supplim White Tail - Head Shot
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