Longest Big Game Kill With Rifle

In the last 12 months, what was your longest rifle kill on big game?

  • 0 to 200 yards

    Votes: 1,160 26.4%
  • 201 to 400 yards

    Votes: 1,438 32.7%
  • 401 to 600 yards

    Votes: 1,021 23.2%
  • 601 to 800 yards

    Votes: 460 10.5%
  • 801 to 1,000 yards

    Votes: 168 3.8%
  • Over 1,000 yards

    Votes: 153 3.5%

  • Total voters
712 yards doe antelope. AR10T .243 and 87 VMAX at 3200 fps. Leupold VXIII 6.5-20 VHR. 43 gr. H4350 and 210M. Swarovski LRF. Thru the onside shoulder and into the heart. The shot was cool, but the shock from my hunting partner was even better!
Too soon old, too late, but I had to slap these in here... Alaska Yukon moose, 388 yards (1998, but measured later); same @ 361 yards (2005); same @ 403 yards (2007) all with M70 Winchester 270, 140 Barnes, 61 grains RL 22, Leupold 2.5-8. 2010's bull--six feet and closing--same equipment, and no, contact was thwarted, but he fell 30 feet beyond me as he no longer had control of himself. See photo.

Today's technology has me all excited and I'm pining to convert my M70 375 into a 300 Lapua Mag with a cylinder 28" barrel and Nightforce scope--got some lakes and my river that present some long range challenges... If any of you have some advice on my dream don't be timid--send them on!

It don't matter what you hit him with; it's where you hit him that counts.


  • 2010 & #10e.jpg
    2010 & #10e.jpg
    230.4 KB · Views: 45
my last kill(s) was november in sully county, SD along the river bluffs. 2 mule antlerless atop the ridge line i'm GUESSING 200 yards out. up hill shot into 30 mph wind blowing to my 8 o-clock in below freezing temp with a borrowed .22-250. never shot it before, no idea what kind of bullets. luckiest shots ever. i aimed a foot over their backs where the neck meets the back thinking, "that looks about right", from a cross-legged position and dropped both of them with one shot each in the neck. hopefully next time i have a clue. but i can't complain...that was within 30 minutes of the start of my only day hunting last year. BTW...saw 2 8 point mules out there. wish i had the tags.
Today's technology has me all excited and I'm pining to convert my M70 375 into a 300 Lapua Mag with a cylinder 28" barrel and Nightforce scope--got some lakes and my river that present some long range challenges... If any of you have some advice on my dream don't be timid--send them on!

It don't matter what you hit him with; it's where you hit him that counts.

Hey Moose (aka alcesgigas)

Your M70 375 has a magnum bolt face and if I am correct will restrict you to a 338Edge as the bolt diameter may not be large enough for the boltface to be opened up to accommodate the larger Lapua case which is basically the same diameter as the 416 Rigby and 378 Weatherby cartridges.
In saying that there is nothing wrong with the 338Edge as it is capable of more velocity that the Lapua and is at most times best shooting 300 grain pills at around 2830 to 2850 where it has a very good accuracy node.
Be all means persue your dreams in going long range as us "old men" need all the help we can get to give the tired body a bit of a rest and have one over the younger guys with less money.
And why not try something else.
Shawn Carlock is the man in this forum to contact for further details regarding the 338 Edge.
Talk with him on this and he will open up a whole new world for you which you will find really interesting.
It is great fun with loads of satisfaction when you can down something at very distant ranges.
"Go for it" is all I can say.

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I appreciate your info and the edge was under consideration. Now it most certaintly is; Lapua brass was the driving force for that earlier choice. However, I'm learning as I dream so-to-speak and the 338 Edge is now running in first place. Initially I swooned over the 416 Barrett, then the 375/408 CheyTac, but they're a complete build from scratch.

Upon further research all the shots I might consider are under a mile; most around 1230 yards. For that I first thought of a "ultra super" 30 caliber--hence the 300 Lapua--but after more investigation I've settled on the 338 caliber and those 300 grain Sierra SMKs or maybe the new Bergers with that .855 BC.

Weight won't really be a problem, but I do want the excess in the 30 to 34" barrel that's tipped with the best brake available.

Again, many thanks for your comments.
I appreciate your info and the edge was under consideration. Now it most certaintly is; Lapua brass was the driving force for that earlier choice. However, I'm learning as I dream so-to-speak and the 338 Edge is now running in first place. Initially I swooned over the 416 Barrett, then the 375/408 CheyTac, but they're a complete build from scratch.

Upon further research all the shots I might consider are under a mile; most around 1230 yards. For that I first thought of a "ultra super" 30 caliber--hence the 300 Lapua--but after more investigation I've settled on the 338 caliber and those 300 grain Sierra SMKs or maybe the new Bergers with that .855 BC.

Weight won't really be a problem, but I do want the excess in the 30" to 34" barrel that's tipped with the best brake available.

Again, many thanks for your comments.

Should you decide to build the 338Edge a 28" or 30" barrel would be maximum recommended length.
Once again be careful in your selections and don't go "overboard" as you still need to carry the outfit about as it needs to be portable and reasonably balanced.
Once again Shawn is the guy who in this case will steer you in the right direction and is an excellent person to learn from with his vast experience with this cartridge.
Good Luck upon your build and buy the best optics you can afford.
Nightforce NXS would be the bottom line in my recommendations and work/spend up from there.
As a rule of thumb....spend on your optics what you spend on your rifle.
Managed to kill a Sambar hind at 1426 yards with my .338 Edge and 300 grain SMK combo. About a 300lb animal.
Late afternoon shot in no wind conditions across a wide river valley.
Dialed up 44.75 MOA and let rip, shooting off a Harris bipod and rear beanie bag.
Two seconds or so after the shot she went flop down and rolled 20m down the hill before getting back on her feet and trotting off about 30m.
She then stood for a while before falling over dead.
Managed to kill a Sambar hind at 1426 yards with my .338 Edge and 300 grain SMK combo. About a 300lb animal.
Late afternoon shot in no wind conditions across a wide river valley.
Dialed up 44.75 MOA and let rip, shooting off a Harris bipod and rear beanie bag.
Two seconds or so after the shot she went flop down and rolled 20m down the hill before getting back on her feet and trotting off about 30m.
She then stood for a while before falling over dead.


Well done and good to see all of your long range practice has produced excellent results.
Them 300SMK's need to open up a lot more dramatically as we have both have found out that if they do not strike bone they will generally do a pass through the animal.
I certainly found that out when I shot my animal at 1236 yards and you know the rest of the story on that one.
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