Whats wrong with the good ole 7mm?

Dr. I make the 7 mag work in spades with two changes that are not factory options. The SAAMI spec 7 Mag reamer has .110 freebore. So on custom, just get the gunsmith to use a unithroater to extend the throat to a point that you like. Then you deal with Mag OAL vs length to the lands. The Wyatt's extended mag box fixes this issue in spades in Rem 700s.

If I were starting from scratch with nothing, I would run 7 PRC, then jump to 28 Nosler for more horse power.
That would certainly work. Thanks for the input.
The only problem I've ever seen with the 7 mag is that most most of the older guns do not have a fast enough twist to shoot the heavyweight high BC VLD bullets. They do great with up to 160 grain bullets but won't stablize the heavier ones.
And then there's Jack Daniel's. 😉 You are correct sir. 👍🏻
I can certainly understand your luck with slower barrels and less than average accuracy barrels. I will tell you some people just have that luck. It's a bummer because it can absolutely leave a bad taste with a cartridge if you're unlucky with barrels. I'm very lucky with speeds. I have 3 barrels that are FAST. I have traditionally always had finicky barrels as far as accuracy. They shoot but it always takes me work. My buddy on the other hand seems to get trash cans. You can literally throw anything in them and they flat out shoot. What I'm getting at is I don't think it's necessarily the cartridge to blame for your luck.
My sample size for the 7 STW is one, so perhaps bad luck is involved. On the other hand, I have had lots of 7RMs, and in my experience, they are not as impressive as the 28N for either accuracy or velocity. But then again, the 7RM beats it in terms of barrel life, but then, the 7 PRC supposedly beats the 7RM.

At the end of the day, good cartridges, just like good rifles/actions/barrels, sell.
My sample size for the 7 STW is one, so perhaps bad luck is involved. On the other hand, I have had lots of 7RMs, and in my experience, they are not as impressive as the 28N for either accuracy or velocity. But then again, the 7RM beats it in terms of barrel life, but then, the 7 PRC supposedly beats the 7RM.

At the end of the day, good cartridges, just like good rifles/actions/barrels, sell.
I don't know how you can compare a 7rm to a 28. Really two different beasts. I mean you can compare anything to anything but it's not really fair to say a 7mag isn't as impressive as a 28 for velocity. I mean they are clearly not in the same category except for bullet diameter. The 28 holds like 10 more grains capacity so it's no surprise there. You got barrel life right on the 28 for sure as it's not good. I too have many 7rms and like I said before barrels are generally the main factor for accuracy. I have personally seen many more 7mag barrels shoot 1 hole groups than ones that don't shoot good.
If I could have only one center fire rifle it would be the old 7 mag… but with a 9 twist barrel for heavy bullets.
Honestly it will (and has) handle anything in front of it and do it well, I read an article years ago that the 7RM was designed and intended for elk hunting. It's what I would choose if I could only have 1 single rifle.
I'm actually not worried with my 7RM cuz I'm not going to go heavy with that. I'll stay somewhere in between likely no heavier than 168. I've got another guy with a much bigger appetite for powder and the heavy duty stuff. Although I may just have some fun trying the heavier ones in the RM just for some target fun
I'm actually not worried with my 7RM cuz I'm not going to go heavy with that. I'll stay somewhere in between likely no heavier than 168. I've got another guy with a much bigger appetite for powder and the heavy duty stuff. Although I may just have some fun trying the heavier ones in the RM just for some target fun
Gotcha, just wondering since you seemed like you stated you wished your LR was an 8T.
I was thinking to myself today...with all of the off breeds of the 7mm Remington Magnum, do they really offer that much of an advantage? I am no shooting professional and will never claim to be! but I was looking through my reloading book and there is the 7mm Remington mag, 7wsm, 7stw, 7 ultra mag, 7mm-08, 7 short action ultra mag, and the list goes on. Lots and lots of options! actually kind of crazy how so many different rounds have been produced off of the 7mm. But I guess the 308 brass has brought many many new rounds to the world of shooters as well. Anyway, just some food for though. Gave me something to ponder on for a while today. I know that the 7 STW proved itself to be a really productive caliber, but is there really much that these new super ultra short hyper mags do that the boring little 7mm Remington cant?:D gun)

Have a good week everyone!
"It was Country when Country wasn't cool"