what long range hunt do you have this year???

Got an antelope hunt in north central montana that is also home to some nice muley bucks and wide open country. I will be using my 243 AI for that. I'm elk hunting closer to home where the shots are anywhere from 25 to 300 yds and will be using the trusty 338 for the job.
I have medium range deer and elk hunts planned for western WY and a long range antelope hunt planned in south east WY.

All three hunts I will be packing rem 700, 300 RUM shooting 180 gr interbonds at 3280 fps. The antelope hunt I have been shooting in the area, and am propaired to take anything that presents itself as a good target out to 800 yards, although shots of 1k plus would be more than possible if I and the equipment were better practiced.
I have a hunt locked in for whitetail in South Arkansas for the mid part of November. Usually you would not consider South Arkansas to be "longrange" but I will be hunting a pipeline where I can see thousands of yards on either side of me. The thing that is tricky about a pipeline is that you have to be really fast seeing, ranging,and adjusting. I will be using a sendero chambered in 7mm ultra, launching 160 grn accubonds. I have a zeiss 4.5-14x50 mounted on top. I have to practice this scenerio because those whitetails are quick.

I have an antelope tag for S central Montana and I know where the big bucks run (14-16 in., no monsters)after the 1st shot-right out in the middle of the biggest flat. Probably a 300-1000 yd shot if the wind isn't blowing. Have a doe/fawn tag too!
Then it's off to big muley country in MT, looking for that 30 incher. Hopefully get my elk with a bow, that could be a long 40 yd shot. If not, I'm going to look up Cowboy and tag along with him, I don't have any good rifle hunting spots for elk. Only shooting my new 300 win mag for all these animals with 200 gr Barnes, my gun really likes them.
Good luck hunting, I leave today, archery for elk starts tomorrow am.
Wyoming antelope, Sept 25-Oct 1st. Taking .270 AM if it is finished in time. May have scope issue as APS has not received the NF scope yet. If it is finished, it will go to WY and Colorado, which is mule deer/elk combo in SW area. 169.5 Wildcat. I have recently acquired a property where I can practice to 1550 yards but I will not shoot any further than I can practice. I would love to become efficient with the new rifle and take a shot between 500-800 yards.

Planning on BC combo hunt, whitetail, and mulie in mid Nov.
Son and I are just heading down the road to Southern Idaho. Have a spot all picked out. Two scouting trips so far. Last one was this morning. 7 Bucks and bunches of does. Walked up on a pair of 3x3s @ 40 yds and had to spook 'em away. They went to the 533 - 565 range and began feeding.

Took the rifles to practice dry firing at them. Did really well. Shot 'em all several times and never missed. Even made some head shots./ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

One really nice buck was out at about 800 yds but he and his group were heading some where in a hurry.

Max range I am comfortable with is about 800 yds if things are really perfect. My son has the better rifle but is only comfy out to 600 or so.

I sure like this LRH idea. Sure cuts down on the walking and maximizes the enjoyment.
ALASKA MOOSE, first time ever on both. Killed a lot of deer, but nothing bigger. I'm leaving 10 Sep for a week with friends (DIY hunt) on the Kenai peninsula.
I NEED ADVICE! Local info on scouting would help, then what to do when I walk up on a dead 1500 pound beast that I just shot. How in the world do I get it from there to the freezer at my house in Phoenix?

SAKO Finnlight 300 WSM, 180 Partition, which, by the way, I can't get to shoot better than 2 MOA. I thought about trying Accubond, but I want that partition bullet to be what goes through the lungs of this beast.
I had an antelope tag in southern oregon that I filled about 3 weeks ago. I was using a Winchester Model 70 in 25-06. I used the 117gSBT to take him at 542 yards. 1 shot through his shoulders and he dropped. Leupold vx2 6-18x40 Target scope.

I also drew a deer tag for eastern oregon. I can shoot either a muley or whitetail at ranges out to 700 yards, hopefully no more than 600. This hunt starts in a month or so and I will be using my 25-06, and I am working on a 115g combined technology ballistic silvertip load as I loved this bullet out of my old 25-06 Ruger, but have yet to shoot it out of my new Winchester.

I will also have a 2nd season general spike elk tag. I will be using a Remington 700 LSS in .300 RUM with a Leupold MK4 4.5x14x50 in Leupold weaver rings/bases. I am currently working on a load for this rifle as well, have a bunch of loads loaded up with the 165g sciroco, 180g ctbt, 180g sst, and 200g AB, with several different powders, IMR-7828, H-1000, and RL-22. Rifle use to shoot great, now not so great. Might end up using my 25-06 with a 110g AB for spike elk.
Just back from Quebec took a REALLY nice bull at 336 yrds w/257 Wthrby 115 grain BT.
Going to Idahoe in last week Oct/Nov for elk and deer. Expecting cross canyon shooting for that big bull the guide says that nobody can get at 700+. Looking for a REALLY nice whitetail or HUGE mulie. That be in the Clearwater area outside of Orfino. Using the big 30 Hammonds w/190's.
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