What is this? Do you know?

I grew up in Central Washington in spud country, and THIS is what I grew up calling a potato bug:

Colorado potato beetle: Definition from Answers.com.

BUT...I talked to one of my old farmer buddies, and he says that the jerusalam cricket was also called a potato bug when HE was growing up, and one of my Hispanic friends says that Mexicans call them "children of the earth" or sometimes "skull children".

So they go by different names!!

Technically, they are Stenopelmatus.


I get those all the time here at the house. You don't have to drive half way across Nevada to find them.

Arachnoboards identified the cricket as a Jerusalem cricket (Stenopelmatus species). Spanish names: niño de la tierra ("child of the earth"), cara de niño ("child's face")

You can use the Swaro any time you wish. Just say the word.
Nothing like that here in Dogpatch.
Shoulda centered him on that rock you were shootin' at.gun)

That's a great idea! I could have even used my Glock 23!!!


I moved to Nevada from LA in 1980, since then, over 28 years, this is the first time I ever see a bug like thtat. It's almost as ugly as you are, and it aint my fault that you live in unhospitable places sorrounded by ill-looking things like that. :rolleyes:
I'm wondering if you would ever let me use your Swarovski range finder again. :D ;)

I moved to Nevada from LA in 1980, since then, over 28 years, this is the first time I ever see a bug like that. It's almost as ugly as you are, and it aint my fault that you live in inhospitable places surrounded by ill-looking things like that. :rolleyes:
I'm wondering if you would ever let me use your Swarovski range finder again. :D ;)

That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time. I'd be mad if it wasn't true.

Except you did provoke a similar response from me. You son's backside is better looking than your frontside.

Anytime you need it. Or, anything else I have. It's in my best interest to keep your employer happy.
bwaits is correct on all counts.

Locally they are called spider instead of cricket.

Saw my first mormon cricket this fall. He was pretty high up and pretty cold. Plus, he was in Utah.;)
That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time. I'd be mad if it wasn't true.

Except you did provoke a similar response from me. You son's backside is better looking than your frontside.

Anytime you need it. Or, anything else I have. It's in my best interest to keep your employer happy.

I'm still scratching my head on this one! :confused:
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