This is whats wrong with hunting today

I'm partially posting this in response to the wonderful discussion @Huntnful started about smaller calibers. This is not a bash on small caliber hunters or anyone else for that matter (including the man in the video). Flash to the 5:50 mark and indulge. Please tell me that I'm not the only one who is shaking my head in disbelief that guys like this are presenting info to people as if the round is actually the "Ultimate hunting round" IMO this is preposterous, with highly inaccurate and incomplete comparisons. This is what's wrong with hunting and especially long range hunting these days. Wondering if I'm not the only one here?
Ultimate hunting round does not exist except in the mind of the man that thinks they have one. In my younger years when money was harder to come by i had a chance to get a Savage model 12 in 22-250. Planned to use it for coyotes and was pretty new to reloading so i went for speed with 40 gr. bullets. Hardly ever had exit. As we know experimenting bug bit me and i am looking to make possible deer round. Finally decided on 63 gr. sierra smp and i used this round exclusively for several years with great results. I should note that this was in Missouri and only whitetail.
Three most important things to be successful...
1. Accuracy
2. Projectile
3. Velocity

1. You gotta hit the target
2. What hits the target is important
3. How fast that "rock" is going matters.

Post script, if the critter is bigger than you, consider using the biggest projectile you can be accurate with.
I was just determined to read all the posts. I admit I took a short nap half way through. I still haven't watched the video. I was wanting a 22CM for fun at the range and coyote killing. It would stay in the safe for large game though. I'm not sure if I am any smarter after reading almost 30 pages of posts.
There was a natural progression when I was a kid that "little boys" went through. Sticks, to BB guns and bows and arrows, to shotguns which were gifted or borrowed to rifles. Nobody was handed what was called at the time a "high-powered rifle" to a child for his first experience shooting. Men were still "Men", got their haircut every 2 weeks, shined their shoes or dress boots, carried themselves like men, and cared what others thought of them. It was expected of a man to ACT like a man, and for little boys to be "Daddy's Little Man." "Big boys don't cry" was drilled lovingly into our heads and you didn't want to let your Dad, Grandpas, or Uncles down by acting like a "sissy." Little boys are not raised to BE little boys anymore, and if you ACT like a little boy, let's say playing Army with sticks, you're labeled a radical. I miss the America I grew up in more and more every day because of the so called "men" I see on a daily basis.
There was a natural progression when I was a kid that "little boys" went through. Sticks, to BB guns and bows and arrows, to shotguns which were gifted or borrowed to rifles. Nobody was handed what was called at the time a "high-powered rifle" to a child for his first experience shooting. Men were still "Men", got their haircut every 2 weeks, shined their shoes or dress boots, carried themselves like men, and cared what others thought of them. It was expected of a man to ACT like a man, and for little boys to be "Daddy's Little Man." "Big boys don't cry" was drilled lovingly into our heads and you didn't want to let your Dad, Grandpas, or Uncles down by acting like a "sissy." Little boys are not raised to BE little boys anymore, and if you ACT like a little boy, let's say playing Army with sticks, you're labeled a radical. I miss the America I grew up in more and more every day because of the so called "men" I see on a daily basis.
Which is why my kids toy gun collection puts my real one to shame. 😂
I think we are on the same page as the general trend is higher BCs as you go up in caliber. All I was saying is BC is THE metric that determines wind drift. Most may already know that but some may not so I was simply trying to provide an educational point as to how to compare affects of wind drift which is using BC.
BC does not determine wind drift....Wind determines wind drift....BC is the counter agent!
Couple mins and couldnt watch anymore of this idiot. This shows zero respect to the animal. If you have the means, which clearly he does, why use a souped up 22 (pellet rifle) when you could use a real 6.5, 7mm, 300 or many others built for it. A volkswagen can loop Charlotte or Daytona, but is it wise to do or does any sane person think its a great idea? Not no, but hell no. Yet Another great video on a needmore doing things it shouldn't and was never even thought to be used for. Where is it legal to hunt bear with a 22? A thorough google search turned up nothing.
I felt the same way, had to stop the video.
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