This is whats wrong with hunting today

There's no point for 7prc to exist when 7rm does, except twist rate.
And basically identical capacity from a shorter case because the world work up and realized the belt hasn't done anything since the original 375 H&H in a double rifle.

But MUH MAGNUMS gotta have a belt... makes the case head stronger for when I PUSH PRESSHUR 🤣
Gonna keep it going, love the half dozen plus shoots on the moose in the vid, that and a grown @zz men complaining about being recoil sensitive to a bit larger caliber that's made for grown @zz men no doubt, To each their own though, and just another useless opinion on a never ending topic.

Back to the 22, for me personally the lack of exits consistently is my sole reason for not using or recommending a 22 on larger game, especially at range, and that's regardless of bullets.

Gonna keep it going, love the half dozen plus shoots on the moose in the vid, that and a grown @zz men complaining about being recoil sensitive to a bit larger caliber that's made for grown @zz men no doubt, To each their own though, and just another useless opinion on a never ending topic.

Back to the 22, for me personally the lack of exits consistently is my sole reason for not using or recommending a 22 on larger game, especially at range, and that's regardless of bullets.

What a travesty! I can't believe after peppering 6 or 7 shots to put him down, this guy got the b...s to show this video! Major d...head!
Man I get it, dead is deal to be sure, but that was like watching a guy target practice on a majestic live animal over and over. Ethics seems to be a thing of the past in many cases, it's been replaced by an almost gaming type of mentality sometimes, or seems so, imo. Doesn't help the sport much when the other side watches this stuff, not that anything would anyway, but still.
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People who are from my generation would've "shamed" this person relentlessly. One can tell that if he wanted it dead, for the meat, he would've head shot it. This is trophy hunting and nothing else. No care about the needless suffering because there's no ethics in video game hunting. People today just aren't made of the same stuff, nor do they care for the animal. "Self glorification" comes at a price he's willing to pay.
He is placing far too much emphasis on the BC. Yeh, I pay particular attention to the BC and when reloading, I will choose the higher BC when available. But, there are far too many variables in the accuracy / kill scenario.
Emphasis on BC? I think the whole point of it is that his emphasis on BC is bogus. Of course BC is only one part of an accurate, long range shot/projectile/system but it is important. Other than his recoil argument, the BC comparison is his way of arguing that the 22 creed is the "Ultimate hunting round" He did this by relegating all those other cartridges down to inferior by incorrect comparisons of BC. The whole point of the thread is his emphasis on BC, how he's misrepresenting the facts and how they relate to long range hunting or hunting in general. Do this because I do it, here's a bunch of incomplete information that you won't research, I'll sounds smart so you'll believe me. BC just happens to be the emphasis for this video comparison.
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What's wrong with hunting today is this subject and men crying like children before their dad he didn't use the rifle I told him to shoot the deer with because it kicked more (dad.) well did he get the dear yes dad.