This is whats wrong with hunting today

Out to 400 yds with a range finder in a modern weapon how much does bc matter? Does .100 difference make any difference? How did we possibly kill elk with nosler partitions 20 years ago? Interesting to see that elk success percentages have not changed in many number of years or even decade with all the advancements from the last 10 years or so?
What does it mean when Berger does not make ANY .224 hunting bullets? That said, if you are willing to pass on shots that are too long (whatever that means for your cartridge and field accuracy) then many cartridge and bullet combinations are acceptable. I think most of us don't have the resources to hunt enough to be so limited. When I was guiding, many of the hunters told me that this would probably be their ONLY Elk hunt. Unfortunately, many of them were "over gunned". A common one was buying a .338 WM and not being able to handle the recoil. Perhaps "everything in moderation" applies here.
Couple mins and couldnt watch anymore of this idiot. This shows zero respect to the animal. If you have the means, which clearly he does, why use a souped up 22 (pellet rifle) when you could use a real 6.5, 7mm, 300 or many others built for it. A volkswagen can loop Charlotte or Daytona, but is it wise to do or does any sane person think its a great idea? Not no, but hell no. Yet Another great video on a needmore doing things it shouldn't and was never even thought to be used for. Where is it legal to hunt bear with a 22? A thorough google search turned up nothing.
Believe it or not, 22 centerfire's are legal in Alaska.
What does it mean when Berger does not make ANY .224 hunting bullets? That said, if you are willing to pass on shots that are too long (whatever that means for your cartridge and field accuracy) then many cartridge and bullet combinations are acceptable. I think most of us don't have the resources to hunt enough to be so limited. When I was guiding, many of the hunters told me that this would probably be their ONLY Elk hunt. Unfortunately, many of them were "over gunned". A common one was buying a .338 WM and not being able to handle the recoil. Perhaps "everything in moderation" applies here.
There are soooo many acceptable choices without having to go to the extremes. Be able to handle an 06 or a 7mm RM or a 300 WM. Common sense here. This should be perfect for all elk hunters particularly if your once in a lifetime hunt. And the rifle can be used for - bear, antelope, deer all types, african plains game, goats, sheep and on and on and on. If you want and can buy and handle something bigger go ahead. I have many many rifles from 22-25-26-27-28-30-32-35 -375-41 - you get the point. I pull out my 300 WM always for elk and most always for everything else. This is not complicated unless someone wants to make it so. The reason I have all the others is because it is a disease.
There are soooo many acceptable choices without having to go to the extremes. Be able to handle an 06 or a 7mm RM or a 300 WM. Common sense here. This should be perfect for all elk hunters particularly if your once in a lifetime hunt. And the rifle can be used for - bear, antelope, deer all types, african plains game, goats, sheep and on and on and on. If you want and can buy and handle something bigger go ahead. I have many many rifles from 22-25-26-27-28-30-32-35 -375-41 - you get the point. I pull out my 300 WM always for elk and most always for everything else. This is not complicated unless someone wants to make it so. The reason I have all the others is because it is a disease.
It's not a disease! Some people just have better judgement than others
I've killed 95% of the big game with a .270 or 7 Rem mag with a Leupold scope, no can or muzzle brake, and no range finder. I don't fit in with the long range guys , my longest kills are just over 500 yds. I guided deer and elk hunts for over 20 years and it's my opinion that it takes more gun than the 6.5 creed unless in the hands of a marksman. It seems like the least experienced hunters shoot the weak calibers due to recoil and the hunters that carry the bigger ones can shoot them… kinda opposite of how it should be. I've killed 1200 pound beef cattle with a .22 pistol, but I would never say that you should hunt big game with one.
If your longest kills are over 500 yards, you're a long range hunter in my book. Honestly, the longest shot I've taken on game I believe is 328 yards on a mule deer with a .243. It got the job done. I have a 6.5CM, 308, 30-06, and other guns that are capable. I've just never been in a situation where a longer shot was necessary in the field. I've always opted to improve my odds by getting closer.
Creedmoor, military snipers, elk at long range.

I can feel the bro-tastic-ness AND fudd-anger from this thread radiating out of my screen.

Bird Popcorn GIF

I just got a 17 Fireball reamer in, it's going to be my Ultimate Hunting Rifle®. For one day of shooting pests at least.