Re: Scenar bullet failure! No really, it was bad AGAIN!
Ok. Tested the Scenars in soaking wet phonebooks at 1000 yards. Can you say, "strike two"! Wet phonebooks made no difference on performance whatsoever. Penetration depth was identical to dry and wound channels still indicated tumbling.
Here is the setup. Thanks to 7mmrhb for humoring a very sick kid that pesters the hell out of him constantly. Making someone transport 200 pounds of sopping wet newspaper has got to be at least a misdemeanor in most states!
Here is a pic of an additional test. 3 boxes full of water bags made of heavy duty plastic. The scenar went through them without even so much as a hickup.
Back of the water boxes. NOt exactly a huge exit hole!
A pic of the target box with the bullet holes highlighted. 3 bullets made a direct hit with one exiting and the others staying inside.
Here is a pic of the one exit hole that went through 2 feet of wet phonebooks. The bullet was found 10 feet behind the box and sitting on top of the dirt.
Pic of one of the bullet tips as it was found in the newspaper.
And the three bullet failures. Notice the "spitwad" in the cone of the bullet tip. This was how it was found. I didn't cut it off.
And here is a big whoops! I can't repeat what I said when I saw this one. That 250 grain Lapua is so stinking tough that it penetrated a 3/8" armor plate steel at 100 yards! Never in a million years would I have bet that this bullet was that tough. This gong has been hit with just about every bullet/speed combo known to man and at every distance and has never suffered a penetration EVER! THis was the most amazing thing of the whole day. This is as tough as steel gets and it cut through it like nothing
and kept on going!! Uncle B, unfortunately this was the new 22" so it looks like I just bought it from you. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
And here is the hole AFTER it went through the gong. I rested the gong up against a telephone pole and it looks like the bullet went at least <font color="red">6" into it!! </font> Unbelievable!! I guess if I ever need to kill an Abrams tank I'll have a bullet already picked out!
So today was strike two. Tomorrow I will be killing a bovine at 1000 yards with this bullet and if it performs like this one more time, it is out!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif