Scenar bullet failure! No really, it was bad.

Re: Scenar bullet failure again and ? MK\'s

I can't remember the number-ar550 maybe? Anyway, whatever it is has been hit with everything short of a 50 bmg without any penetrations-including 55 grain nosler bt's at 4500 fps at 100 yards. Those Lapuas must just be made from depleted uranium or something similiar!

After another day of testing the 250 MK's and having mixed results, I have decided to just cut my losses and go back to the ultimate big game hunting bullet ever designed....the mighty Accubond.
Re: Scenar bullet failure again and ? MK\'s

GG Was that the Scenar 250 gr bullet that penetrated the armour plate and yet came apart @1000 yards in phone books?

I use the 250 gr sierra game King in my 338 Win Mag, but won't take a shoulder shot with it. Until Richard gets his 300 gr 338 bullets I'll use the 300 gr Sierra match king for my long range bullet in my 338/378...still haven't done my load developement for it and now I have a 416 Reminton custom shop stainless 22" barreled grizzly gun to work loads up for too.

Used my 338 Win Mag with 275 gr Speer @ chronographed 2650 fps on a ranch hunt for a cow buffalo. Shot her behind the ear from 10 yards she was dead when she hit the ground it looked like a big wave passed through her, the body just whipped around and followed the head down. Well with that bullet I guess that's close to being accurate and I thought I needed a larger caliber at that range, lol. By the way I particularly like following yours and Kirby's posts here lots of good info and many others here with good information too. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: Scenar bullet failure again and ? MK\'s

It was exactly what you are using 3/8" AR500
Re: Scenar bullet failure again and ? MK\'s

Here is a few pics of some 225 grain 338 accubonds fired into milk jugs full of water at various ranges. Photos are from Jd338's experiments with his 338 ultra mag.


Now that is what I call real bullet performance!
Thanks JD.
Re: Scenar bullet failure again and ? MK\'s

It was exactly what you are using 3/8" AR500

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, that is jus f'n weird then...was it in a spot that might have been softened by the torch?

They use this stuff at Blackwater at 50yds with magnums with no issues...

Was it actually touching to pole or very close?????

That is my only other explaination, cause I have always shot mine free hanging and havent had anything touch it.

223 at 100yds, 3500fps/50gn will knick it a bit, and the 338/250 at 300 made a hardly perceptible dimple

Weird...I'd have been P'd off too /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

Re: Scenar bullet failure again and ? MK\'s

Here is a few pics of some 225 grain 338 accubonds fired into milk jugs full of water at various ranges. Photos are from Jd338's experiments with his 338 ultra mag.


Now that is what I call real bullet performance! Thanks JD.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you notice none of them are designated as Match something?
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Scenar bullet failure again and ? MK\'s

It is a syndrome with me!!!!

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Scenar bullet failure again and ? MK\'s

J.B. after seeing this Scenar shoot through 34" of solid saturated newspaper,36"s of water jugs and a 3/8" armored plate, I think he should use it to bust both shoulders on a Cape Buffalo or Rhino. That is one tough match bullet.
Re: Scenar bullet failure again and ? MK\'s

Uncle B, we should feel lucky the Scenar didn't mow down the pole behind the gong and then fly down through the country side ,plowing through tractor blocks and an occasional barn. Some farmer would find it (IN TACT) and only slightly bent with 100% weight retention. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif---7mmrhb
Re: Scenar bullet failure again and ? MK\'s

J.B. after seeing this Scenar shoot through 34" of solid saturated newspaper,36"s of water jugs and a 3/8" armored plate, I think he should use it to bust both shoulders on a Cape Buffalo or Rhino. That is one tough match bullet.

[/ QUOTE ]

Re: Scenar bullet failure again and ? MK\'s

is there any way we could get them to make a 275 gr accubond? now that would be the ticket!

i can't believe the penetration of that missle, i mean scenar.
Re: Scenar bullet failure again and ? MK\'s

Pop, from the winky eye at the end of my post, I hoped that everyone would know I was just having a little fun at GGs expense. I know that I personally, would never shoot a 250 gr Scenar at anything that might get ****ed off at me for doing it. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif ---7mmRHB
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