Do larger calibers really compensate for bad shots?

Sometimes too much gun isn't better. We get coyotes out in our fields regularly and I usually shoot them with the 22-250 and they drop like rocks. But one day I just happened to have a 270 handy and ended up shooting it 3 times and when I got out to it it was down but still growli g at me. Skinned it out to take a look and all good shots but bullets ripped right through and didn't leave much of a wound channel compared to what the 22 250 does. Find bear are similar, they don't go nearly as far after being shot with a 243 than they do with 270, 300, 7mm. Just my experience.

You don't mention bullet construction but I'd bet the .22-250 used frangible varmint bullets and the .270 did not. Given frangible bullets, I'd go with the .270.

A lot of coyotes have dropped to my .22-250. Varmint bullets do the job quickly, fmj's and hunting bullets tend to do it slower.
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