Soft Case for Larger Rifle

here's a couple


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I like this hybrid soft case for short trips and a little more piece of mind for protection.

Picked it up on Camofire for $60

Good looking case but it's too short. I measured my rifle last night and it's 49.5" with the 28" barrel and extended brake.
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Just had to ask. How big is your safe that you can store rifles in those soft cases?
FWIW: My safe is designed for rifles with padded holes for the barrels. Even gun socks are a problem. I always have had (20+ years) a golden rod heating stick in the bottom of the safe and never have had any sign of corrosion.

I'm not sure. It's one of the jumbo sized safes and moving it is a ROYAL PITA! It has carpet like padding in the interrior. I can easily fit a shotgun in a 52" soft case as far as height.
Check out the Allen Euro soft case. I think there built for rifles with 28-30" barrels. Thick padding and built very well. Can't remember what I paid but I bought two a few years ago. I have a few 30" rifle barrels and it's tough finding a nice soft case for longer barreled rifles. Want to say 50.00+/- ea. Also check out the Allen Velocity Tactical. Its 55" long. I own one but I think they stopped making it. Could be wrong. There pricier.

Thanks for the suggestions. Both of these look pretty much like what I'm looking for. I'm curious if the 50" dimension for the Allen Euro Oversized Scoped 50" Rifle Case is an interior or exterior measurement? My rifle is 49.5" inches long. It also looks like this model may have been discontinued...??

The 55" Allen Velocity Tactical Rifle Case might be a better bet. Do you like it?

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Thanks for the suggestions. Both of these look pretty much like what I'm looking for. I'm curious if the 50" dimension for the Allen Euro Oversized Scoped 50" Rifle Case is an interior or exterior measurement? My rifle is 49.5" inches long. It also looks like this model may have been discontinued...??

The 55" Allen Velocity Tactical Rifle Case might be a better bet. Do you like it?

Love it. Just not sure it's still made. Someone said they discontinued it. Check into it. May get lucky. It's the nicer of the two. My 53" 338 lapua w/60mm objective scope it's it very well.
I use the case from the Bore store. It is soft, large enough for my largest scopes, silicone impregnated, easy to get the rifle in and out and cheap enough to get one for each rifle. They are thick enough to protect your rifles in a the safe.
I like to store my rifles in the safe cased in a semi-cheap soft gun case like the one I attached here (usually about 46" long +/- and not too bulky for the safe). I often transport them in the same soft gun case for short trips to the range and/or local hunting. I have hard cases when needed for rugged or airline travel.

I'm trying to find something similar to fit a larger 300rum build (28" barrel) with a large piece of glass on it. Any suggestions for a regular plain jane, decent padded soft case that would fit? Thanks for any recommendations.
Check out grizzly Industrial you would be surprised they have barrels soft case is bald eagle Rests
and other accessories
Storing guns long term in a case could be a big mistake. Moisture retention. I do have a question concerning silicon treated cases and socks. Can Silicon over time affect the stock finish on fine wood stocks?
I'm not sure. It's one of the jumbo sized safes and moving it is a ROYAL PITA! It has carpet like padding in the interrior. I can easily fit a shotgun in a 52" soft case as far as height.
Most gun"safes" are 60" outside height; about 56" inside. Taller safes are typically 72" outside; about 68" inside. Interior shelves typically consume 12" or so of the inside height, sometimes over the full width, sometimes only a portion of the width, but many eliminate the shelves.
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