Scenar bullet failure! No really, it was bad.

Re: Maybe not the bullet's fault...

If it skimmed the phone books and only traveled 20 yards, it sounds like the velocity has dropped to be too slow to be effective. That sounds very unrealistic considering the bullet that skimmed the phone books only traveled 20 yards after deflecting.

Velocity was fine, I assure you. The reason the bullet only went 20 yards after impact was because thats all the further it could go. There was a berm there to stop it.
BTW Topshot, I have found some Hornady 250 bthp bullets and will be testing them right soon. As for the 225 Interbond bullet, I've only tested it one day at 1139 yards, but it hit spot on for a bc run of .550. Much higher than Hornady's published bc of .430 or so. But given how the masses don't fully understand bc, how it works, or how you calculate it, I can see why companies advertise low numbers or don't advertise any numbers at all!!
You know the lapua scenar is a match bullet not a hunting bullet it doesn't need to penetrate or expand.
I agree with Dawson, the Scenar is a match grade bullet designed and nearly hand made to do one thing, shoot targets. It was not engineered to shoot game or to expand like a hunting type of bullet. Thus, this was not a Scenar bullet failure as you have suggested.
Since you are shooting very long range it appears that you're looking for a hunting bullet with a match grade BC at longer distances. While it would probably be considered inhumane to hunt deer sized animals at 1000 yards anyway, you can still find quality hunting style bullets that will allow you to make 600 or so yard kill zone shots and actually expand properly as a hunting bullet should.
It has also been said that any bullet can fail sometimes, even bullets engineered to kill. So, do some research and find several that you trust (i.e., Lapua Mega; Softpoint; Naturalis - Nosler Partition; Accubond - Sierra Gameking; Pro Hunter- Hornady SST; XTP; DGS - Speer DeepCurl; GrandSlam - Berger VLD Hunting Bullet - Barnes TSX) and work up some hunting loads without having too high expectations at your thousand yard bench-rest comfort zone and see which ones work best in your rifle at normal (100-300 yards) and intermediate (300 to 500 Yards) hunting distances.
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