I've noticed that too Idaho,,, good old 30/06 sptizer SP 150 grain'ers or the 190 gr Speere Grand Slams,,, the black bears at 66 feet from the tree stand didn't suck them up very good... Ha
They would puff up like a marshmallow hooked up to a air compressor... LOL...
Mostly small blacks in the 385 to 450 lb range...
Even Elk and Moose with the GS'S took it bad in the 2 to 300++ yard,,, I like my Aught-Six,,, its easy to shoot and well balanced in the recoil department,,, 11 lb canon I call it,,, a bit heavy to pack around threw the day,,, but I managed as I'd use it as a walking stick... LOL...
My 300 """Walter-B""" had some legs,,, it was easy to push the limits with that pipe,,, but it was far and few when that would happen in Eastern Canada or along the Rocky Mountain Range... Purhaps this is why I've scaled back to a cartridge a bit smaller than the 06,,, just me i guess...
Hopefully the critters close the gap now days,,, I'm more than willing to except them at the door step,,, the long distance walks are now limited to 7 to 10 Mile rounders,,, some days I'm lucky to make it 1 mile... Ha...
Taking in the day in the trees is good enough,,, different story if others choose to push the limits... Find what works and give it a go is what my old friend would say... What works for you might not work for me as he'd grab for his old rusty rifle,,, life works out that way I guess... Nothing written in stone that can't be chipped off to relabel with new ideas...
The pie plate is the same size as when I started hunting back in 77,,, hopefully I still have the hands to get a peace of it... Ha... Standing down is a common thing in the hunt fields now days,,, our cattle ranch seems to keep our freezer full,,, that's a plus...
Cheers from the North