Great info, thanks. The pistol would be a backup, of course, but it looks like it will come down to shootability for me between 454 and 44 mag.
A lot of good suggestions and I will add mine.
If you are going for dangerous game I would recomend a rifle that is up to the task maby
even a little bigger because there is no such thing as over kill on dangerous game !!!
Then I would recomend a 44cal or bigger for self defense. When I say self defence I mean
when everything goes bad it will save your life.
I will not carry a semi auto anything because just when you need it, it fails or you forgot to chamber a round and you only have one hand free so you become lunch.
A short barreled revolver is what I recomend and carry because If for some unfortunate
a large predator has you down you can use it with either hand and if it misfires all you
have to do is pull the trigger again and you have a new round ready to save your life.
The reason for the short barrel is simple. quicker and easier to draw if you are pinned down,
can be placed in a vital area easy and you not going to be able to aim it anyway.
And you can stick it in his mouth if you have to and game over.
I'm not trying to scare you just get you to thinking about what the weapon is for and how easy
and dependable it will be in the worse case scenario
Once your mono e mono a rifle becomes almost impossible to use.
Anyway just food for though.